music-glossary: syntonic comma

 1.300 syntonic comma
 ES: coma sintónica, coma de Dídimo, I: comma sintonico (o didimico), F:
 comma syntonique, D: syntonisches Komma, NL: syntonische komma, DK:
 syntonisk komma, S: syntoniskt komma, FI: syntoninen komma, terssien
 taajuusero luonnollisessa ja Pytagorisessa viritysjärjestelmässä.
    Named after Ptolemy’s syntonic diatonic genus.  Originally, the
 difference by which the ditone exceeds the pure major third obtained by
 Pythagorean tuning – (9:8)^2 - 5:4 = 81:80, or 21.5 cents.
    Modern acoustical theory defines it as the interval by which four
 fifths exceed the sum of two octaves plus a major third.  (3:2)^4 -
 (2:1)^2 + (5:4)
    This comma is also known as the comma of Didymus, or didymic comma.
 See also
    SeePythagorean comma