vcd-info: Info

 3.4 Disc Information
 Here is part of sample output from a SVCD. (This is not the same example
 as the Video CD used before.)
       1. SVCD/INFO.SVD
       2. ID: `SUPERVCD'
       3. version: 0x01
       4. system profile tag: 0x00
       5. album id: `                '
       6. volume count: 3
       7. volume number: 2
       8. pal flags: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
       9.  (bslbf)   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00
      10. flags:
      11.  reserved1: no
      12.  restriction: 0
      13.  special info: no
      14.  user data cc: no
      15.  start lid #2: no
      16.  start track #2: no
      17.  reserved2: no
      18. psd size: 2376
      19. first segment addr: 00:05:00
      20. offset multiplier: 0x08
      21. maximum lid: 15
      22. maximum segment number: 3
      23. SEGMENT[1]: audio: no stream, video: NTSC still, continuation no, OGT substream: None
      24. SEGMENT[2]: audio: no stream, video: NTSC still, continuation no, OGT substream: None
      25. SEGMENT[3]: audio: no stream, video: NTSC still, continuation no, OGT substream: None
      26. volume start time[0]: 0 secs
      27. volume start time[1]: 0 secs
      28. volume start time[2]: 0 secs
      29. volume start time[3]: 0 secs
      30. volume start time[4]: 0 secs