screen: Command Summary

 5.2 Command Summary
 'acladd USERNAMES'
      Allow other users in this session.  SeeMultiuser Session.
      Change a user's permissions.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'acldel USERNAME'
      Disallow other user in this session.  SeeMultiuser Session.
      Inherit permissions granted to a group leader.  SeeMultiuser
 'aclumask [USERS]+/-BITS ...'
      Predefine access to new windows.  SeeUmask.
 'activity MESSAGE'
      Set the activity notification message.  SeeMonitor.
 'addacl USERNAMES'
      Synonym to 'acladd'.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'allpartial STATE'
      Set all windows to partial refresh.  SeeRedisplay.
 'altscreen STATE'
      Enables support for the "alternate screen" terminal capability.
 'at [IDENT][#|*|%] COMMAND [ARGS]'
      Execute a command at other displays or windows.  SeeAt.
      Map attributes to colors.  SeeAttrcolor.
 'autodetach STATE'
      Automatically detach the session on SIGHUP. SeeDetach.
 'autonuke STATE'
      Enable a clear screen to discard unwritten output.  See
      Define a command for the backtick string escape.  SeeBacktick.
 'bce [STATE]'
      Change background color erase.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'bell_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set the bell notification message.  SeeBell.
 'bind [-c CLASS] KEY [COMMAND [ARGS]]'
      Bind a command to a key.  SeeBind.
 'bindkey [OPTS] [STRING [CMD ARGS]]'
      Bind a string to a series of keystrokes.  SeeBindkey.
      Blank the screen.  SeeScreen Saver.
      Define a blanker program.  SeeScreen Saver.
 'break [DURATION]'
      Send a break signal to the current window.  SeeBreak.
      Specify how to generate breaks.  SeeBreak.
 'bufferfile [EXCHANGE-FILE]'
      Select a file for screen-exchange.  SeeScreen Exchange.
      Swaps window with previous one on window list.  SeeBumpleft.
      Swaps window with previous one on window list.  SeeBumpright.
 'c1 [STATE]'
      Change c1 code processing.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'caption MODE [STRING]'
      Change caption mode and string.  SeeRegions.
      Synonym to 'aclchg'.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'charset SET'
      Change character set slot designation.  SeeCharacter
 'chdir [DIRECTORY]'
      Change the current directory for future windows.  SeeChdir.
      Treat ambiguous width characters as full/half width.  See
      Character Processing.
      Clear the window screen.  SeeClear.
      Enter a 'screen' command.  SeeColon.
      Reorders window on window list, removing number gaps between them.
 'command [-c CLASS]'
      Simulate the screen escape key.  SeeCommand Character.
 'compacthist [STATE]'
      Selects compaction of trailing empty lines.  SeeScrollback.
 'console [STATE]'
      Grab or ungrab console output.  SeeConsole.
      Enter copy mode.  SeeCopy.
 'copy_reg [KEY]'
      Removed.  Use 'paste' instead.  SeeRegisters.
 'crlf STATE'
      Select line break behavior for copying.  SeeLine Termination.
 'debug STATE'
      Suppress/allow debugging output.  SeeDebug.
 'defautonuke STATE'
      Select default autonuke behavior.  SeeAutonuke.
 'defbce STATE'
      Select background color erase.  SeeCharacter Processing.
      Specify the default for generating breaks.  SeeBreak.
 'defc1 STATE'
      Select default c1 processing behavior.  SeeCharacter
 'defcharset [SET]'
      Change defaul character set slot designation.  SeeCharacter
 'defencoding ENC'
      Select default window encoding.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'defescape XY'
      Set the default command and 'meta' characters.  SeeCommand
 'defflow FSTATE'
      Select default flow control behavior.  SeeFlow.
 'defgr STATE'
      Select default GR processing behavior.  SeeCharacter
 'defhstatus [STATUS]'
      Select default window hardstatus line.  SeeHardstatus.
 'deflog STATE'
      Select default window logging behavior.  SeeLog.
 'deflogin STATE'
      Select default utmp logging behavior.  SeeLogin.
 'defmode MODE'
      Select default file mode for ptys.  SeeMode.
 'defmonitor STATE'
      Select default activity monitoring behavior.  SeeMonitor.
 'defmousetrack ON|OFF'
      Select the default mouse tracking behavior.  SeeMousetrack.
 'defnonblock STATE|NUMSECS'
      Select default nonblock mode.  SeeNonblock.
 'defobuflimit LIMIT'
      Select default output buffer limit.  SeeObuflimit.
 'defscrollback NUM'
      Set default lines of scrollback.  SeeScrollback.
 'defshell COMMAND'
      Set the default program for new windows.  SeeShell.
 'defsilence STATE'
      Select default idle monitoring behavior.  SeeMonitor.
 'defslowpaste MSEC'
      Select the default inter-character timeout when pasting.  See
 'defutf8 STATE'
      Select default character encoding.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'defwrap STATE'
      Set default line-wrapping behavior.  SeeWrap.
 'defwritelock ON|OFF|AUTO'
      Set default writelock behavior.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'zombie_timeout [SECONDS]'
      Try to reconnect dead windows after timeout.  SeeZombie.
 'detach [-h]'
      Disconnect 'screen' from the terminal.  SeeDetach.
      Enter a digraph sequence.  SeeDigraph.
      Display terminal information.  SeeInfo.
      List currently active user interfaces.  SeeDisplays.
      Write the window's termcap entry to a file.  SeeDump Termcap.
 'echo [-n] MESSAGE'
      Display a message on startup.  SeeStartup.
 'encoding ENC [DENC]'
      Set the encoding of a window.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'escape XY'
      Set the command and 'meta' characters.  SeeCommand Character.
 'eval COMMAND1 [COMMAND2 ...]'
      Parse and execute each argument.  SeeEval.
 'exec [[FDPAT] COMMAND [ARGS ...]]'
      Run a subprocess (filter).  SeeExec.
      Change window size to current display size.  SeeWindow Size.
 'flow [FSTATE]'
      Set flow control behavior.  SeeFlow.
 'focus [next|prev|up|down|left|right|top|bottom]'
      Move focus to next region.  SeeRegions.
      Force the current region to a certain size.  SeeFocusminsize.
 'gr [STATE]'
      Change GR charset processing.  SeeCharacter Processing.
 'group [GROUPTITLE]'
      Change or show the group the current window belongs to.  See
      Window Groups.
 'hardcopy [-h] [FILE]'
      Write out the contents of the current window.  SeeHardcopy.
 'hardcopy_append STATE'
      Append to hardcopy files.  SeeHardcopy.
 'hardcopydir DIRECTORY'
      Place, where to dump hardcopy files.  SeeHardcopy.
 'hardstatus [STATE]'
      Use the hardware status line.  SeeHardware Status Line.
 'height [LINES [COLS]]'
      Set display height.  SeeWindow Size.
 'help [-c CLASS]'
      Display current key bindings.  SeeHelp.
      Find previous command beginning ....  SeeHistory.
 'hstatus STATUS'
      Change the window's hardstatus line.  SeeHardstatus.
 'idle [TIMEOUT [CMD ARGS]]'
      Define a screen saver command.  SeeScreen Saver.
 'ignorecase [on|off]'
      Ignore character case in searches.  SeeSearching.
      Display window settings.  SeeInfo.
 'ins_reg [KEY]'
      Removed, use 'paste' instead.  SeeRegisters.
      Destroy the current window.  SeeKill.
      Redisplay the last message.  SeeLast Message.
 'layout new [TITLE]'
      Create a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout remove [N|TITLE]'
      Delete a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout next'
      Select the next layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout prev'
      Select the previous layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout select [N|TITLE]'
      Jump to a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout show'
      List the available layouts.  SeeLayout.
 'layout title [TITLE]'
      Show or set the title of a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout number [N]'
      Show or set the number of a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout attach [TITLE|:last]'
      Show or set which layout to reattach to.  SeeLayout.
 'layout save [N|TITLE]'
      Remember the organization of a layout.  SeeLayout.
 'layout autosave [ON|OFF]'
      Show or set the status of layout saving.  SeeLayout.
 'layout dump [filename]'
      Save the layout arrangement to a file.  SeeLayout.
      Display licensing information.  SeeStartup.
      Lock the controlling terminal.  SeeLock.
 'log [STATE]'
      Log all output in the current window.  SeeLog.
 'logfile FILENAME'
      Place where to collect logfiles.  SeeLog.
 'login [STATE]'
      Log the window in '/etc/utmp'.  SeeLogin.
 'logtstamp [STATE]'
      Configure logfile time-stamps.  SeeLog.
      Use only the default mapping table for the next keystroke.  See
      Bindkey Control.
      Don't try to do keymapping on the next keystroke.  SeeBindkey
 'maptimeout N'
      Set the inter-character timeout used for keymapping.  SeeBindkey
 'markkeys STRING'
      Rebind keys in copy mode.  SeeCopy Mode Keys.
 'maxwin N'
      Set the maximum window number.  SeeMaxwin.
      Insert the command character.  SeeCommand Character.
 'monitor [STATE]'
      Monitor activity in window.  SeeMonitor.
 'mousetrack [ON|OFF]'
      Enable selecting split regions with mouse clicks.  See
 'msgminwait SEC'
      Set minimum message wait.  SeeMessage Wait.
 'msgwait SEC'
      Set default message wait.  SeeMessage Wait.
 'multiuser STATE'
      Go into single or multi user mode.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'nethack STATE'
      Use 'nethack'-like error messages.  SeeNethack.
      Switch to the next window.  SeeSelecting.
 'nonblock [STATE|NUMSECS]'
      Disable flow control to the current display.  See
 'number [N]'
      Change/display the current window's number.  SeeNumber.
 'obuflimit [LIMIT]'
      Select output buffer limit.  SeeObuflimit.
      Kill all other regions.  SeeRegions.
      Switch to the window you were in last.  SeeSelecting.
 'partial STATE'
      Set window to partial refresh.  SeeRedisplay.
 'password [CRYPTED_PW]'
      Set reattach password.  SeeDetach.
 'paste [SRC_REGS [DEST_REG]]'
      Paste contents of paste buffer or registers somewhere.  See
 'pastefont [STATE]'
      Include font information in the paste buffer.  SeePaste.
      Close and Reopen the window's terminal.  SeeBreak.
      Detach and hang up.  SeePower Detach.
 'pow_detach_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set message displayed on 'pow_detach'.  SeePower Detach.
      Switch to the previous window.  SeeSelecting.
 'printcmd [CMD]'
      Set a command for VT100 printer port emulation.  SeePrintcmd.
 'process [KEY]'
      Treat a register as input to 'screen'.  SeeRegisters.
      Kill all windows and exit.  SeeQuit.
 'readbuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]'
      Read the paste buffer from the screen-exchange file.  SeeScreen
 'readreg [-e ENCODING] [REG [FILE]]'
      Load a register from paste buffer or file.  SeeRegisters.
      Redisplay the current window.  SeeRedisplay.
 'register [-e ENCODING] KEY STRING'
      Store a string to a register.  SeeRegisters.
      Kill current region.  SeeRegions.
      Delete the screen-exchange file.  SeeScreen Exchange.
 'rendition bell | monitor | silence | so ATTR [COLOR]'
      Change text attributes in caption for flagged windows.  See
      Reset the terminal settings for the window.  SeeReset.
 'resize [(+/-)lines]'
      Grow or shrink a region.  SeeResize.
 'screen [OPTS] [N] [CMD [ARGS] | //group]'
      Create a new window.  SeeScreen Command.
 'scrollback NUM'
      Set size of scrollback buffer.  SeeScrollback.
 'select [N|-|.]'
      Switch to a specified window.  SeeSelecting.
 'sessionname [NAME]'
      Name this session.  SeeSession Name.
 'setenv [VAR [STRING]]'
      Set an environment variable for new windows.  SeeSetenv.
 'setsid STATE'
      Controll process group creation for windows.  SeeSetsid.
 'shell COMMAND'
      Set the default program for new windows.  SeeShell.
 'shelltitle TITLE'
      Set the default name for new windows.  SeeShell.
 'silence [STATE|SECONDS]'
      Monitor a window for inactivity.  SeeMonitor.
 'silencewait SECONDS'
      Default timeout to trigger an inactivity notify.  SeeMonitor.
 'sleep NUM'
      Pause during startup.  SeeStartup.
 'slowpaste MSEC'
      Slow down pasting in windows.  SeePaste.
 'source FILE'
      Run commands from a file.  SeeSource.
 'sorendition [ATTR [COLOR]]'
      Deprecated.  Use 'rendition so' instead.  SeeRendition.
      Split region into two parts.  SeeRegions.
 'startup_message STATE'
      Display copyright notice on startup.  SeeStartup.
 'stuff [STRING]'
      Stuff a string in the input buffer of a window.  SeePaste.
      Identify a user.  SeeMultiuser Session.
      Put session in background.  SeeSuspend.
 'term TERM'
      Set '$TERM' for new windows.  SeeTerm.
      Tweak termcap entries for best performance.  SeeTermcap
      Ditto, for terminfo systems.  SeeTermcap Syntax.
      Ditto, for both systems.  SeeTermcap Syntax.
 'time [STRING]'
      Display time and load average.  SeeTime.
 'title [WINDOWTITLE]'
      Set the name of the current window.  SeeTitle Command.
 'umask [USERS]+/-BITS ...'
      Synonym to 'aclumask'.  SeeUmask.
      Unset all keybindings.  SeeBind.
 'unsetenv VAR'
      Unset environment variable for new windows.  SeeSetenv.
 'utf8 [STATE [DSTATE]]'
      Select character encoding of the current window.  SeeCharacter
 'vbell [STATE]'
      Use visual bell.  SeeBell.
 'vbell_msg [MESSAGE]'
      Set vbell message.  SeeBell.
 'vbellwait SEC'
      Set delay for vbell message.  SeeBell.
      Display 'screen' version.  SeeVersion.
 'wall MESSAGE'
      Write a message to all displays.  SeeMultiuser Session.
 'width [COLS [LINES]]'
      Set the width of the window.  SeeWindow Size.
 'windowlist [[-b] [-m] [-g]] | string [STRING] | title [TITLE]'
      Present a list of all windows for selection.  SeeWindowlist.
      List active windows.  SeeWindows.
 'wrap [ on | off ]'
      Control line-wrap behavior.  SeeWrap.
 'writebuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]'
      Write paste buffer to screen-exchange file.  SeeScreen
 'writelock ON|OFF|AUTO'
      Grant exclusive write permission.  SeeMultiuser Session.
      Send an XOFF character.  SeeXON/XOFF.
      Send an XON character.  SeeXON/XOFF.
 'zmodem [off|auto|catch|pass]'
      Define how screen treats zmodem requests.  SeeZmodem.
 'zombie [KEYS [onerror] ]'
      Keep dead windows.  SeeZombie.