screen: Screen Exchange

 12.4 Screen Exchange
  -- Command: bufferfile [EXCHANGE-FILE]
      Change the filename used for reading and writing with the paste
      buffer.  If the EXCHANGE-FILE parameter is omitted, 'screen'
      reverts to the default of '/tmp/screen-exchange'.  The following
      example will paste the system's password file into the screen
      window (using the paste buffer, where a copy remains):
           C-a : bufferfile /etc/passwd
           C-a < C-a ]
           C-a : bufferfile
  -- Command: readbuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]
      ('C-a <')
      Reads the contents of the specified file into the paste buffer.
      You can tell screen the encoding of the file via the '-e' option.
      If no file is specified, the screen-exchange filename is used.
  -- Command: removebuf
      ('C-a =')
      Unlinks the screen-exchange file.
  -- Command: writebuf [-e ENCODING] [FILENAME]
      ('C-a >')
      Writes the contents of the paste buffer to the specified file, or
      the public accessible screen-exchange file if no filename is given.
      This is thought of as a primitive means of communication between
      'screen' users on the same host.  If an encoding is specified the
      paste buffer is recoded on the fly to match the encoding.  See also
      'C-a <ESC>' (SeeCopy).