octave: Multiple Plot Windows

 15.2.5 Multiple Plot Windows
 You can open multiple plot windows using the ‘figure’ function.  For
      figure (1);
      fplot (@sin, [-10, 10]);
      figure (2);
      fplot (@cos, [-10, 10]);
 creates two figures, with the first displaying a sine wave and the
 second a cosine wave.  Figure numbers must be positive integers.
  -- : figure
  -- : figure N
  -- : figure (N)
  -- : figure (..., "PROPERTY", VALUE, ...)
  -- : H = figure (...)
      Create a new figure window for plotting.
      If no arguments are specified, a new figure with the next available
      number is created.
      If called with an integer N, and no such numbered figure exists,
      then a new figure with the specified number is created.  If the
      figure already exists then it is made visible and becomes the
      current figure for plotting.
      Multiple property-value pairs may be specified for the figure
      object, but they must appear in pairs.
      The optional return value H is a graphics handle to the created
      figure object.
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeaxes XREFaxes, Seegcf XREFgcf, *noteclf:
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seeaxes XREFaxes, Seegcf XREFgcf, Seeclf

      XREFclf, Seeclose XREFclose.