idlwave: Debug Key Bindings

 5.4.2 Debug Key Bindings
 The standard debugging key bindings are always available by default on
 the prefix key ‘C-c C-d’, so, for example, setting a breakpoint is done
 with ‘C-c C-d C-b’, and compiling a source file with ‘C-c C-d C-c’.  You
 can also easily configure IDLWAVE to use one or more modifier keys not
 in use by other commands, in lieu of the prefix ‘C-c C-d’ (though these
 bindings will typically also be available; see
 ‘idlwave-shell-activate-prefix-keybindings’).  For example, if you
 include in ‘.emacs’:
      (setq idlwave-shell-debug-modifiers '(control shift))
 a breakpoint can then be set by pressing ‘b’ while holding down ‘shift’
 and ‘control’ keys, i.e., ‘C-S-b’.  Compiling a source file will be on
 ‘C-S-c’, deleting a breakpoint ‘C-S-d’, etc.  In the remainder of this
 chapter we will assume that the ‘C-c C-d’ bindings are active, but each
 of these bindings will have an equivalent shortcut if modifiers are
 given in the ‘idlwave-shell-debug-modifiers’ variable (SeeLesson
 II---Customization).  A much simpler and faster form of debugging for
 running code is also available by default; see SeeElectric Debug
  -- User Option: idlwave-shell-prefix-key (‘C-c C-d’)
      The prefix key for the debugging map
  -- User Option: idlwave-shell-activate-prefix-keybindings (‘t’)
      Non-‘nil’ means debug commands will be bound to the prefix key,
      like ‘C-c C-d C-b’.
  -- User Option: idlwave-shell-debug-modifiers (‘nil’)
      List of modifier keys to use for additional, alternative binding of
      debugging commands in the shell and source buffers.  Can be one or
      more of ‘control’, ‘meta’, ‘super’, ‘hyper’, ‘alt’, and ‘shift’.