gnus: Scoring Tips

 7.10 Scoring Tips
      If you want to lower the score of crossposts, the line to match on
      is the ‘Xref’ header.
           ("xref" (" talk.politics.misc:" -1000))
 “Multiple crossposts”
      If you want to lower the score of articles that have been
      crossposted to more than, say, 3 groups:
             ("[^:\n]+:[0-9]+ +[^:\n]+:[0-9]+ +[^:\n]+:[0-9]+"
              -1000 nil r))
 “Matching on the body”
      This is generally not a very good idea—it takes a very long time.
      Gnus actually has to fetch each individual article from the server.
      But you might want to anyway, I guess.  Even though there are three
      match keys (‘Head’, ‘Body’ and ‘All’), you should choose one and
      stick with it in each score file.  If you use any two, each article
      will be fetched _twice_.  If you want to match a bit on the ‘Head’
      and a bit on the ‘Body’, just use ‘All’ for all the matches.
 “Marking as read”
      You will probably want to mark articles that have scores below a
      certain number as read.  This is most easily achieved by putting
      the following in your ‘all.SCORE’ file:
           ((mark -100))
      You may also consider doing something similar with ‘expunge’.
 “Negated character classes”
      If you say stuff like ‘[^abcd]*’, you may get unexpected results.
      That will match newlines, which might lead to, well, The Unknown.
      Say ‘[^abcd\n]*’ instead.