gnus: Scoring

 7 Scoring
 Other people use “kill files”, but we here at Gnus Towers like scoring
 better than killing, so we’d rather switch than fight.  They do
 something completely different as well, so sit up straight and pay
    All articles have a default score (‘gnus-summary-default-score’),
 which is 0 by default.  This score may be raised or lowered either
 interactively or by score files.  Articles that have a score lower than
 ‘gnus-summary-mark-below’ are marked as read.
    Gnus will read any “score files” that apply to the current group
 before generating the summary buffer.
    There are several commands in the summary buffer that insert score
 entries based on the current article.  You can, for instance, ask Gnus
 to lower or increase the score of all articles with a certain subject.
    There are two sorts of scoring entries: Permanent and temporary.
 Temporary score entries are self-expiring entries.  Any entries that are
 temporary and have not been used for, say, a week, will be removed
 silently to help keep the sizes of the score files down.
