emacs-gnutls: Help For Users

 2 Help For Users
 From the user’s perspective, there’s nothing to the GnuTLS integration.
 It Just Works for any Emacs Lisp code that uses ‘open-protocol-stream’
 or ‘open-network-stream’ (SeeNetwork Connections (elisp)Network.).
 The two functions are equivalent, the first one being an alias of the
    There’s one way to find out if GnuTLS is available, by calling
 ‘gnutls-available-p’.  This is a little bit trickier on the W32
 (Windows) platform, but if you have the GnuTLS DLLs (available from
 <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/> thanks to Eli
 Zaretskii) in the same directory as Emacs, you should be OK.
  -- Function: gnutls-available-p
      This function returns ‘t’ if GnuTLS is available in this instance
      of Emacs.
    Oh, but sometimes things go wrong.  Budgets aren’t balanced,
 television ads lie, and even TLS and SSL connections can fail to work
 properly.  Well, there’s something to be done in the last case.
  -- Variable: gnutls-log-level
      The ‘gnutls-log-level’ variable sets the log level.  1 is verbose.
      2 is very verbose.  5 is crazy.  Crazy!  Set it to 1 or 2 and look
      in the ‘*Messages*’ buffer for the debugging information.
  -- Variable: gnutls-algorithm-priority
      The ‘gnutls-algorithm-priority’ variable sets the GnuTLS priority
      string.  This is global, not per host name (although
      ‘gnutls-negotiate’ supports a priority string per connection so it
      could be done if needed).  The priority string syntax is in the
      GnuTLS documentation
  -- Variable: gnutls-trustfiles
      The ‘gnutls-trustfiles’ variable is a list of trustfiles
      (certificates for the issuing authorities).  This is global, not
      per host name (although ‘gnutls-negotiate’ supports a trustfile per
      connection so it could be done if needed).  The trustfiles can be
      in PEM or DER format and examples can be found in most Unix
      distributions.  By default the following locations are tried in
      this order: ‘/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt’ for Debian,
      Ubuntu, Gentoo and Arch Linux; ‘/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt’
      for Fedora and RHEL; ‘/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem’ for Suse;
      ‘/usr/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt’ for Cygwin;
      ‘/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt’ for FreeBSD. You can
      easily customize ‘gnutls-trustfiles’ to be something else, but let
      us know if you do, so we can make the change to benefit the other
      users of that platform.
  -- Variable: gnutls-verify-error
      The ‘gnutls-verify-error’ variable allows you to verify SSL/TLS
      server certificates for all connections or by host name.  It
      defaults to ‘nil’ for now but will likely be changed to ‘t’ later,
      meaning that all certificates will be verified.
      There are two checks available currently, that the certificate has
      been issued by a trusted authority as defined by
      ‘gnutls-trustfiles’, and that the hostname matches the certificate.
      ‘t’ enables both checks, but you can enable them individually as
      well with ‘:trustfiles’ and ‘:hostname’ instead.
      Because of the low-level interactions with the GnuTLS library,
      there is no way currently to ask if a certificate can be accepted.
      You have to look in the ‘*Messages*’ buffer.
  -- Variable: gnutls-min-prime-bits
      The ‘gnutls-min-prime-bits’ variable is a pretty exotic
      customization for cases where you want to refuse handshakes with
      keys under a specific size.  If you don’t know for sure that you
      need it, you don’t.  Leave it ‘nil’.