emacs-gnutls: Help For Developers

 3 Help For Developers
 The GnuTLS library is detected automatically at compile time.  You
 should see that it’s enabled in the ‘configure’ output.  If not, follow
 the standard procedure for finding out why a system library is not
 picked up by the Emacs compilation.  On the W32 (Windows) platform,
 installing the DLLs with a recent build should be enough.
    Just use ‘open-protocol-stream’ or ‘open-network-stream’ (the two are
 equivalent, the first one being an alias to the second).  You should not
 have to use the ‘gnutls.el’ functions directly.  But you can test them
 with ‘open-gnutls-stream’.
  -- Function: open-gnutls-stream name buffer host service
      This function creates a buffer connected to a specific HOST and
      SERVICE (port number or service name).  The parameters and their
      syntax are the same as those given to ‘open-network-stream’ (See
      Network Connections (elisp)Network.).  The connection process is
      called NAME (made unique if necessary).  This function returns the
      connection process.
           ;; open a HTTPS connection
           (open-gnutls-stream "tls" "tls-buffer" "yourserver.com" "https")
           ;; open a IMAPS connection
           (open-gnutls-stream "tls" "tls-buffer" "imap.gmail.com" "imaps")
    The function ‘gnutls-negotiate’ is not generally useful and it may
 change as needed, so please see ‘gnutls.el’ for the details.
  -- Function: gnutls-negotiate spec
      Please see ‘gnutls.el’ for the SPEC details and for usage, but do
      not rely on this function’s interface if possible.