eintr: lambda

 C.4.3 A ‘lambda’ Expression: Useful Anonymity
 ‘lambda’ is the symbol for an anonymous function, a function without a
 name.  Every time you use an anonymous function, you need to include its
 whole body.
      (lambda (arg) (/ arg 50))
 is a function that returns the value resulting from dividing whatever is
 passed to it as ‘arg’ by 50.
    Earlier, for example, we had a function ‘multiply-by-seven’; it
 multiplied its argument by 7.  This function is similar, except it
 divides its argument by 50; and, it has no name.  The anonymous
 equivalent of ‘multiply-by-seven’ is:
      (lambda (number) (* 7 number))
 (SeeThe ‘defun’ Macro defun.)
 If we want to multiply 3 by 7, we can write:
      (multiply-by-seven 3)
       \_______________/ ^
               |         |
            function  argument
 This expression returns 21.
 Similarly, we can write:
      ((lambda (number) (* 7 number)) 3)
       \____________________________/ ^
                     |                |
            anonymous function     argument
 If we want to divide 100 by 50, we can write:
      ((lambda (arg) (/ arg 50)) 100)
       \______________________/  \_/
                   |              |
          anonymous function   argument
 This expression returns 2.  The 100 is passed to the function, which
 divides that number by 50.
    SeeLambda Expressions (elisp)Lambda Expressions, for more about
 ‘lambda’.  Lisp and lambda expressions derive from the Lambda Calculus.