eintr: defun

 3.1 The ‘defun’ Macro
 In Lisp, a symbol such as ‘mark-whole-buffer’ has code attached to it
 that tells the computer what to do when the function is called.  This
 code is called the “function definition” and is created by evaluating a
 Lisp expression that starts with the symbol ‘defun’ (which is an
 abbreviation for _define function_).
    In subsequent sections, we will look at function definitions from the
 Emacs source code, such as ‘mark-whole-buffer’.  In this section, we
 will describe a simple function definition so you can see how it looks.
 This function definition uses arithmetic because it makes for a simple
 example.  Some people dislike examples using arithmetic; however, if you
 are such a person, do not despair.  Hardly any of the code we will study
 in the remainder of this introduction involves arithmetic or
 mathematics.  The examples mostly involve text in one way or another.
    A function definition has up to five parts following the word
   1. The name of the symbol to which the function definition should be
   2. A list of the arguments that will be passed to the function.  If no
      arguments will be passed to the function, this is an empty list,
   3. Documentation describing the function.  (Technically optional, but
      strongly recommended.)
   4. Optionally, an expression to make the function interactive so you
      can use it by typing ‘M-x’ and then the name of the function; or by
      typing an appropriate key or keychord.
   5. The code that instructs the computer what to do: the “body” of the
      function definition.
    It is helpful to think of the five parts of a function definition as
 being organized in a template, with slots for each part:
        (interactive ARGUMENT-PASSING-INFO)     ; optional
    As an example, here is the code for a function that multiplies its
 argument by 7.  (This example is not interactive.  SeeMaking a
 Function Interactive Interactive, for that information.)
      (defun multiply-by-seven (number)
        "Multiply NUMBER by seven."
        (* 7 number))
    This definition begins with a parenthesis and the symbol ‘defun’,
 followed by the name of the function.
    The name of the function is followed by a list that contains the
 arguments that will be passed to the function.  This list is called the
 “argument list”.  In this example, the list has only one element, the
 symbol, ‘number’.  When the function is used, the symbol will be bound
 to the value that is used as the argument to the function.
    Instead of choosing the word ‘number’ for the name of the argument, I
 could have picked any other name.  For example, I could have chosen the
 word ‘multiplicand’.  I picked the word “number” because it tells what
 kind of value is intended for this slot; but I could just as well have
 chosen the word “multiplicand” to indicate the role that the value
 placed in this slot will play in the workings of the function.  I could
 have called it ‘foogle’, but that would have been a bad choice because
 it would not tell humans what it means.  The choice of name is up to the
 programmer and should be chosen to make the meaning of the function
    Indeed, you can choose any name you wish for a symbol in an argument
 list, even the name of a symbol used in some other function: the name
 you use in an argument list is private to that particular definition.
 In that definition, the name refers to a different entity than any use
 of the same name outside the function definition.  Suppose you have a
 nick-name “Shorty” in your family; when your family members refer to
 “Shorty”, they mean you.  But outside your family, in a movie, for
 example, the name “Shorty” refers to someone else.  Because a name in an
 argument list is private to the function definition, you can change the
 value of such a symbol inside the body of a function without changing
 its value outside the function.  The effect is similar to that produced
 by a ‘let’ expression.  (See‘let’ let.)
    The argument list is followed by the documentation string that
 describes the function.  This is what you see when you type ‘C-h f’ and
 the name of a function.  Incidentally, when you write a documentation
 string like this, you should make the first line a complete sentence
 since some commands, such as ‘apropos’, print only the first line of a
 multi-line documentation string.  Also, you should not indent the second
 line of a documentation string, if you have one, because that looks odd
 when you use ‘C-h f’ (‘describe-function’).  The documentation string is
 optional, but it is so useful, it should be included in almost every
 function you write.
    The third line of the example consists of the body of the function
 definition.  (Most functions’ definitions, of course, are longer than
 this.)  In this function, the body is the list, ‘(* 7 number)’, which
 says to multiply the value of NUMBER by 7.  (In Emacs Lisp, ‘*’ is the
 function for multiplication, just as ‘+’ is the function for addition.)
    When you use the ‘multiply-by-seven’ function, the argument ‘number’
 evaluates to the actual number you want used.  Here is an example that
 shows how ‘multiply-by-seven’ is used; but don’t try to evaluate this
      (multiply-by-seven 3)
 The symbol ‘number’, specified in the function definition in the next
 section, is bound to the value 3 in the actual use of the function.
 Note that although ‘number’ was inside parentheses in the function
 definition, the argument passed to the ‘multiply-by-seven’ function is
 not in parentheses.  The parentheses are written in the function
 definition so the computer can figure out where the argument list ends
 and the rest of the function definition begins.
    If you evaluate this example, you are likely to get an error message.
 (Go ahead, try it!)  This is because we have written the function
 definition, but not yet told the computer about the definition—we have
 not yet loaded the function definition in Emacs.  Installing a function
 is the process that tells the Lisp interpreter the definition of the
 function.  Installation is described in the next section.