eintr: Sample let Expression

 3.6.2 Sample ‘let’ Expression
 The following expression creates and gives initial values to the two
 variables ‘zebra’ and ‘tiger’.  The body of the ‘let’ expression is a
 list which calls the ‘message’ function.
      (let ((zebra "stripes")
            (tiger "fierce"))
        (message "One kind of animal has %s and another is %s."
                 zebra tiger))
    Here, the varlist is ‘((zebra "stripes") (tiger "fierce"))’.
    The two variables are ‘zebra’ and ‘tiger’.  Each variable is the
 first element of a two-element list and each value is the second element
 of its two-element list.  In the varlist, Emacs binds the variable
 ‘zebra’ to the value ‘"stripes"’(1), and binds the variable ‘tiger’ to
 the value ‘"fierce"’.  In this example, both values are strings.  The
 values could just as well have been another list or a symbol.  The body
 of the ‘let’ follows after the list holding the variables.  In this
 example, the body is a list that uses the ‘message’ function to print a
 string in the echo area.
    You may evaluate the example in the usual fashion, by placing the
 cursor after the last parenthesis and typing ‘C-x C-e’.  When you do
 this, the following will appear in the echo area:
      "One kind of animal has stripes and another is fierce."
    As we have seen before, the ‘message’ function prints its first
 argument, except for ‘%s’.  In this example, the value of the variable
 ‘zebra’ is printed at the location of the first ‘%s’ and the value of
 the variable ‘tiger’ is printed at the location of the second ‘%s’.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) According to Jared Diamond in ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’, “...
 zebras become impossibly dangerous as they grow older” but the claim
 here is that they do not become fierce like a tiger.  (1997, W. W.
 Norton and Co., ISBN 0-393-03894-2, page 171)