ccmode: Performance Issues

 Appendix B Performance Issues
 C and its derivative languages are highly complex creatures.  Often,
 ambiguous code situations arise that require CC Mode to scan large
 portions of the buffer to determine syntactic context.  Such
 pathological code can cause CC Mode to perform fairly badly.  This
 section gives some insight in how CC Mode operates, how that interacts
 with some coding styles, and what you can use to improve performance.
    The overall goal is that CC Mode shouldn’t be overly slow (i.e., take
 more than a fraction of a second) in any interactive operation.  I.e.,
 it’s tuned to limit the maximum response time in single operations,
 which is sometimes at the expense of batch-like operations like
 reindenting whole blocks.  If you find that CC Mode gradually gets
 slower and slower in certain situations, perhaps as the file grows in
 size or as the macro or comment you’re editing gets bigger, then chances
 are that something isn’t working right.  You should consider reporting
 it, unless it’s something that’s mentioned in this section.
    Because CC Mode has to scan the buffer backwards from the current
 insertion point, and because C’s syntax is fairly difficult to parse in
 the backwards direction, CC Mode often tries to find the nearest
 position higher up in the buffer from which to begin a forward scan
 (it’s typically an opening or closing parenthesis of some kind).  The
 farther this position is from the current insertion point, the slower it
    In earlier versions of CC Mode, we used to recommend putting the
 opening brace of a top-level construct(1) into the leftmost column.
 Earlier still, this used to be a rigid Emacs constraint, as embodied in
 the ‘beginning-of-defun’ function.  CC Mode now caches syntactic
 information much better, so that the delay caused by searching for such
 a brace when it’s not in column 0 is minimal, except perhaps when you’ve
 just moved a long way inside the file.
    A special note about ‘defun-prompt-regexp’ in Java mode: The common
 style is to hang the opening braces of functions and classes on the
 right side of the line, and that doesn’t work well with the Emacs
 approach.  CC Mode comes with a constant ‘c-Java-defun-prompt-regexp’
 which tries to define a regular expression usable for this style, but
 there are problems with it.  In some cases it can cause
 ‘beginning-of-defun’ to hang(2).  For this reason, it is not used by
 default, but if you feel adventurous, you can set ‘defun-prompt-regexp’
 to it in your mode hook.  In any event, setting and relying on
 ‘defun-prompt-regexp’ will definitely slow things down because (X)Emacs
 will be doing regular expression searches a lot, so you’ll probably be
 taking a hit either way!
    CC Mode maintains a cache of the opening parentheses of the blocks
 surrounding the point, and it adapts that cache as the point is moved
 around.  That means that in bad cases it can take noticeable time to
 indent a line in a new surrounding, but after that it gets fast as long
 as the point isn’t moved far off.  The farther the point is moved, the
 less useful is the cache.  Since editing typically is done in “chunks”
 rather than on single lines far apart from each other, the cache
 typically gives good performance even when the code doesn’t fit the
 Emacs approach to finding the defun starts.
    XEmacs users can set the variable
 ‘c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p’ to non-‘nil’.  This tells CC Mode
 to use XEmacs-specific built-in functions which, in some circumstances,
 can locate the top-most opening brace much more quickly than
 ‘beginning-of-defun’.  Preliminary testing has shown that for styles
 where these braces are hung (e.g., most JDK-derived Java styles), this
 hack can improve performance of the core syntax parsing routines from 3
 to 60 times.  However, for styles which _do_ conform to Emacs’s
 recommended style of putting top-level braces in column zero, this hack
 can degrade performance by about as much.  Thus this variable is set to
 ‘nil’ by default, since the Emacs-friendly styles should be more common
 (and encouraged!).  Note that this variable has no effect in Emacs since
 the necessary built-in functions don’t exist (in Emacs 22.1 as of this
 writing in February 2007).
    Text properties are used to speed up skipping over syntactic
 whitespace, i.e., comments and preprocessor directives.  Indenting a
 line after a huge macro definition can be slow the first time, but after
 that the text properties are in place and it should be fast (even after
 you’ve edited other parts of the file and then moved back).
    Font locking can be a CPU hog, especially the font locking done on
 decoration level 3 which tries to be very accurate.  Note that that
 level is designed to be used with a font lock support mode that only
 fontifies the text that’s actually shown, i.e., Lazy Lock or
 Just-in-time Lock mode, so make sure you use one of them.  Fontification
 of a whole buffer with some thousand lines can often take over a minute.
 That is a known weakness; the idea is that it never should happen.
    The most effective way to speed up font locking is to reduce the
 decoration level to 2 by setting ‘font-lock-maximum-decoration’
 appropriately.  That level is designed to be as pretty as possible
 without sacrificing performance.  SeeFont Locking Preliminaries,
 for more info.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) E.g., a function in C, or outermost class definition in C++ or
    (2) This has been observed in Emacs 19.34 and XEmacs 19.15.