ccmode: Limitations and Known Bugs

 Appendix C Limitations and Known Bugs
    • CC Mode doesn’t support trigraphs.  (These are character sequences
      such as ‘??(’, which represents ‘[’.  They date from a time when
      some character sets didn’t have all the characters that C needs,
      and are now utterly obsolete.)
    • There is no way to apply auto newline settings (See
      Auto-newlines) on already typed lines.  That’s only a feature to
      ease interactive editing.
      To generalize this issue a bit: CC Mode is not intended to be used
      as a reformatter for old code in some more or less batch-like way.
      With the exception of some functions like ‘c-indent-region’, it’s
      only geared to be used interactively to edit new code.  There’s
      currently no intention to change this goal.
      If you want to reformat old code, you’re probably better off using
      some other tool instead, e.g., SeeGNU indent (indent)Top, which
      has more powerful reformatting capabilities than CC Mode.
    • The support for C++ templates (in angle brackets) is not yet
      complete.  When a non-nested template is used in a declaration, CC
      Mode indents it and font-locks it OK.  Templates used in
      expressions, and nested templates do not fare so well.  Sometimes a
      workaround is to refontify the expression after typing the closing
    • In a “k&r region” (the part of an old-fashioned C function
      declaration which specifies the types of its parameters, coming
      between the parameter list and the opening brace), there should be
      at most 20 top-level parenthesis and bracket pairs.  This limit has
      been imposed for performance reasons.  If it is violated, the
      source file might be incorrectly indented or fontified.
    • On loading CC Mode, sometimes this error message appears:
           File mode specification error: (void-variable c-font-lock-keywords-3)
      This is due to a bug in the function ‘eval-after-load’ in some
      versions of (X)Emacs.  It can manifest itself when there is a
      symbolic link in the path of the directory which contains (X)Emacs.
      As a workaround, put the following into your ‘.emacs’ file, fairly
      early on:
           (defun my-load-cc-fonts ()
             (require "cc-fonts"))
           (add-hook 'c-initialization-hook 'my-load-cc-fonts)