auctex: Japanese

 5.4.2 Using AUCTeX with Japanese TeX
 To write Japanese text with AUCTeX, you need the versions of TeX and
 Emacs that support Japanese.  AUCTeX supports three Japanese TeX engines
 by default: NTT jTeX, ASCII pTeX and upTeX.
    To use the Japanese TeX engines, activate 'japanese-plain-tex-mode'
 or 'japanese-latex-mode'.  If it doesn't work, send mail to Masayuki
 Ataka '<>' or Ikumi Keita
 '<>', who currently concern with stuff related
 to Japanese in AUCTeX.  None of the primary AUCTeX maintainers
 understand Japanese, so they cannot help you.
    It is recommended to enable 'TeX-parse-self' for typical Japanese
 LaTeX users.  When enabled, 'japanese-latex-mode' selects the suitable
 Japanese TeX engine automatically based on the class file name (such as
 'jbook', 'jsarticle' and 'tjreport') and its option.  SeeParsing
    It is important to select the suitable Japanese TeX engine because
 the selected engine determines the command name such as 'platex' and
 'uptex' to typeset the document.  If you find that wrong command is
 used, check the value of 'TeX-engine' on that buffer.  If the value does
 not suit the current document, change the value by the 'TeXing Options'
 submenu below the 'Command' menu.  SeeProcessor Options.
    To make the selected engine to persist across Emacs sessions, there
 are two ways from which you can choose one according to your needs:
   1. If you use a specific engine (almost) exclusively, customize the
      option 'japanese-TeX-engine-default'.
       -- User Option: japanese-TeX-engine-default
           The default TeX engine in Japanese TeX mode.
           The default value is 'ptex'.
   2. If you want to set the engine on a per file basis, use the file
      local variables to set 'TeX-engine'.
      Here is a sample code to set 'TeX-engine' to 'uptex':
           %%% Local Variables:
           %%% mode: japanese-latex
           %%% TeX-engine: uptex
           %%% End:
    In the both cases above, the valid value is one of 'ptex', 'jtex' and
    You can override the command names associated with the above three
 engines or define your own engine by customizing 'TeX-engine-alist'.
 SeeProcessor Options.
    It is sometimes necessary to use an engine which differs from the one
 AUCTeX selects automatically.  For example, even when you want to use
 'j-article' document class deliberately with ASCII pLaTeX, AUCTeX
 selects NTT jLaTeX command if 'TeX-parse-self' is enabled, because
 'j-article' originally belongs to NTT jLaTeX.  In such cases, use the
 file local variable method above to select the engine you intend to use.
    If you usually use AUCTeX in Japanese, setting the following
 variables is useful.
  -- User Option: TeX-default-mode
      Mode to enter for a new file when it cannot be determined whether
      the file is plain TeX or LaTeX or what.
      If you want to enter Japanese LaTeX mode whenever this may happen,
      set the variable like this:
           (setq TeX-default-mode 'japanese-latex-mode)
  -- User Option: japanese-LaTeX-default-style
      The default style/class when creating a new Japanese LaTeX
      The default value is '"jarticle"'.
    It is recommended also for Japanese users to customize the option
 'TeX-PDF-from-DVI' to '"Dvipdfmx"'.  SeeProcessor Options
    There are three customize options with regard to the encoding of
 Japanese text.
  -- User Option: japanese-TeX-use-kanji-opt-flag
      If non-nil, AUCTeX adds '-kanji' option to the typesetting command
      when 'TeX-engine' is 'ptex'.
    Usually AUCTeX guesses the right coding systems for input to and
 output from the Japanese TeX process, but you can override them by the
 following two customize options.
  -- User Option: TeX-japanese-process-input-coding-system
      If non-nil, used for encoding input to Japanese TeX process.  When
      'nil', AUCTeX tries to choose suitable coding system.
  -- User Option: TeX-japanese-process-output-coding-system
      If non-nil, used for decoding output from Japanese TeX process.
      When 'nil', AUCTeX tries to choose suitable coding system.
    The former customize options 'japanese-TeX-command-default' and
 'japanese-LaTeX-command-default' are obsolete.  Use
 'japanese-TeX-engine-default' instead.  If you need to customize the
 executable file name such as '"latex"', the options for them, or both,
 customize 'TeX-engine-alist'.
    Also, the option 'japanese-TeX-command-list' is considered as
 semi-obsolete.  It still functions as before, but in theory, it is not
 required anymore in normal use.
    The following two additional font commands are available in LaTeX
 mode buffer.
 'C-c C-f g'
      Insert gothic face font command '\textbf{-!-}' or '\mathbf{-!-}'
      depending on the context.
 'C-c C-f m'
      Insert mincho font command '\textmc{-!-}' or '\mathmc{-!-}'
      depending on the context.
    Although they are meaningful only with 'ptex' and 'uptex' engines, it
 won't matter in buffers with other engines.
    See 'tex-jp.el' for more information.