auctex: Internationalization

 5.4 Language Support
 TeX and Emacs are usable for European (Latin, Cyrillic, Greek) based
 languages.  Some LaTeX and EmacsLisp packages are available for easy
 typesetting and editing documents in European languages.
    For CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) languages, Emacs with MULE
 (MULtilingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs) support is required.  MULE is
 part of Emacs by default since Emacs 20.  Special versions of TeX are
 needed for CJK languages: CTeX and ChinaTeX for Chinese, ASCII pTeX and
 NTT jTeX for Japanese, HLaTeX and kTeX for Korean.  The CJK-LaTeX
 package is required for supporting multiple CJK scripts within a single
    CJK characters are not usable.  Please use the MULE-UCS EmacsLisp
 package or Emacs 22 and later if you need CJK.
