auctex: Fontification of quotes

 3.1.2 Fontification of quotes
 Text in quotation marks is displayed with the face
 'font-latex-string-face'.  Besides the various forms of opening and
 closing double and single quotation marks, so-called guillemets (<<, >>)
 can be used for quoting.  Because there are two styles of using
 them--French style: << text >>; German style: >>text<<--you can
 customize the variable 'font-latex-quotes' to tell font-latex which type
 you are using if the correct value cannot be derived from document
  -- User Option: font-latex-quotes
      The default value of 'font-latex-quotes' is 'auto' which means that
      font-latex will try to derive the correct type of quotation mark
      matching from document properties like the language option supplied
      to the babel LaTeX package.
      If the automatic detection fails for you and you mostly use one
      specific style you can set it to a specific language-dependent
      value as well.  Set the value to 'german' if you are using >>German
      quotes<< and to 'french' if you are using << French quotes >>.
      font-latex will recognize the different ways these quotes can be
      given in your source code, i.e.  ('"<', '">'), ('<<', '>>') and the
      respective 8-bit variants.
      If you set 'font-latex-quotes' to nil, quoted content will not be