auctex: Fontification of macros

 3.1.1 Fontification of macros
 Highlighting of macros can be customized by adapting keyword lists which
 can be found in the customization group 'font-latex-keywords'.
    Three types of macros can be handled differently with respect to
   1. Commands of the form '\foo[bar]{baz}' which consist of the macro
      itself, optional arguments in square brackets and mandatory
      arguments in curly braces.  For the command itself the face
      'font-lock-keyword-face' will be used and for the optional
      arguments the face 'font-lock-variable-name-face'.  The face
      applied to the mandatory argument depends on the macro class
      represented by the respective built-in variables.
   2. Declaration macros of the form '{\foo text}' which consist of the
      macro which may be enclosed in a TeX group together with text to be
      affected by the macro.  In case a TeX group is present, the macro
      will get the face 'font-lock-keyword-face' and the text will get
      the face configured for the respective macro class.  If no TeX
      group is present, the latter face will be applied to the macro
   3. Simple macros of the form '\foo' which do not have any arguments or
      groupings.  The respective face will be applied to the macro
    Customization variables for '\foo[bar]{baz}' type macros allow both
 the macro name and the sequence of arguments to be specified.  The
 latter is done with a string which can contain the characters
      indicating the existence of a starred variant for the macro,
      for optional arguments in brackets,
      for mandatory arguments in braces,
      for mandatory arguments consisting of a single macro and
      as a prefix indicating that two alternatives are following.
    For example the specifier for '\documentclass' would be '[{' because
 the macro has one optional followed by one mandatory argument.  The
 specifier for '\newcommand' would be '*|{\[[{' because there is a
 starred variant, the mandatory argument following the macro name can be
 a macro or a TeX group which can be followed by two optional arguments
 and the last token is a mandatory argument in braces.
    Customization variables for the '{\foo text}' and '\foo' types are
 simple lists of strings where each entry is a macro name (without the
 leading backslash).
 General macro classes
 font-latex provides keyword lists for different macro classes which are
 described in the following table:
      Keywords for macros defining or related to functions, like
      Type: '\macro[...]{...}'
      Face: 'font-lock-function-name-face'
      Keywords for macros defining or related to references, like '\ref'.
      Type: '\macro[...]{...}'
      Face: 'font-lock-constant-face'
      Keywords for macros specifying textual content, like '\caption'.
      Type: '\macro[...]{...}'
      Face: 'font-lock-type-face'
      Keywords for macros defining or related to variables, like
      Type: '\macro[...]{...}'
      Face: 'font-lock-variable-name-face'
      Keywords for important macros, e.g.  affecting line or page break,
      like '\clearpage'.
      Type: '\macro'
      Face: 'font-latex-warning-face'
 Sectioning commands
 Sectioning commands are macros like '\chapter' or '\section'.  For these
 commands there are two fontification schemes which may be selected by
 customizing the variable 'font-latex-fontify-sectioning'.
  -- User Option: font-latex-fontify-sectioning
      Per default sectioning commands will be shown in a larger,
      proportional font, which corresponds to a number for this variable.
      The font size varies with the sectioning level, e.g.  '\part'
      ('font-latex-sectioning-0-face') has a larger font than
      '\paragraph' ('font-latex-sectioning-5-face').  Typically, values
      from 1.05 to 1.3 for 'font-latex-fontify-sectioning' give best
      results, depending on your font setup.  If you rather like to use
      the base font and a different color, set the variable to the symbol
      'color'.  In this case the face 'font-lock-type-face' will be used
      to fontify the argument of the sectioning commands.
    You can make font-latex aware of your own sectioning commands be
 adding them to the keyword lists:
 ('font-latex-sectioning-0-face') ...
    Related to sectioning there is special support for slide titles which
 may be fontified with the face 'font-latex-slide-title-face'.  You can
 add macros which should appear in this face by customizing the variable
 Commands for changing fonts
 LaTeX provides various macros for changing fonts or font attributes.
 For example, you can select an italic font with '\textit{...}' or bold
 with '\textbf{...}'.  An alternative way to specify these fonts is to
 use special macros in TeX groups, like '{\itshape ...}' for italics and
 '{\bfseries ...}' for bold.  As mentioned above, we call the former
 variants commands and the latter declarations.
    Besides the macros for changing fonts provided by LaTeX there is an
 infinite number of other macros--either defined by yourself for logical
 markup or defined by macro packages--which affect the font in the
 typeset text.  While LaTeX's built-in macros and macros of packages
 known by AUCTeX are already handled by font-latex, different keyword
 lists per type style and macro type are provided for entering your own
 macros which are listed in the table below.
      Keywords for commands specifying a bold type style.
      Face: 'font-latex-bold-face'
      Keywords for commands specifying an italic font.
      Face: 'font-latex-italic-face'
      Keywords for commands specifying a math font.
      Face: 'font-latex-math-face'
      Keywords for commands specifying a typewriter font.
      Face: 'font-lock-type-face'
      Keywords for declarations specifying a bold type style.
      Face: 'font-latex-bold-face'
      Keywords for declarations specifying an italic font.
      Face: 'font-latex-italic-face'
      Keywords for declarations specifying a typewriter font.
      Face: 'font-latex-type-face'
 Deactivating defaults of built-in keyword classes
 font-latex ships with predefined lists of keywords for the classes
 described above.  You can disable these defaults per class by
 customizing the variable 'font-latex-deactivated-keyword-classes'.  This
 is a list of strings for keyword classes to be deactivated.  Valid
 entries are "warning", "variable", "biblatexnoarg", "biblatex",
 "reference", "function" , "sectioning-0", "sectioning-1",
 "sectioning-2", "sectioning-3", "sectioning-4", "sectioning-5",
 "slide-title", "textual", "bold-command", "italic-command",
 "math-command", "type-command", "bold-declaration",
 "italic-declaration", "type-declaration".
    You can also get rid of certain keywords only.  For example if you
 want to remove highlighting of footnotes as references you can put the
 following stanza into your init file:
      (eval-after-load "font-latex"
          (remove (TeX-assoc-string "footnote"
    But note that this means fiddling with font-latex's internals and is
 not guaranteed to work in future versions of font-latex.
 User-defined keyword classes
 In case the customization options explained above do not suffice for
 your needs, you can specify your own keyword classes by customizing the
 variable 'font-latex-user-keyword-classes'.
  -- User Option: font-latex-user-keyword-classes
      Every keyword class consists of four parts, a name, a list of
      keywords, a face and a specifier for the type of macros to be
      When adding new entries, you have to use unique values for the
      class names, i.e.  they must not clash with names of the built-in
      keyword classes or other names given by you.  Additionally the
      names must not contain spaces.
      The list of keywords defines which commands and declarations should
      be covered by the keyword class.  A keyword can either be a simple
      command name omitting the leading backslash or a list consisting of
      the command name and a string specifying the sequence of arguments
      for the command.
      The face argument can either be an existing face or face attributes
      made by you.
      There are three alternatives for the type of keywords--"Command
      with arguments", "Declaration inside TeX group" and "Command
      without arguments"--which correspond with the macro types explained