asymptote: Editing modes

 2.7 Editing modes
 Users of 'emacs' can edit 'Asymptote' code with the mode 'asy-mode',
 after enabling it by putting the following lines in their '.emacs'
 initialization file, replacing 'ASYDIR' with the location of the
 'Asymptote' system directory (by default, '/usr/local/share/asymptote'
 or 'C:\Program Files\Asymptote' under 'MSDOS'):
 (add-to-list 'load-path "ASYDIR")
 (autoload 'asy-mode "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote major mode." t)
 (autoload 'lasy-mode "asy-mode.el" "hybrid Asymptote/Latex major mode." t)
 (autoload 'asy-insinuate-latex "asy-mode.el" "Asymptote insinuate LaTeX." t)
 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asy$" . asy-mode))
 Particularly useful key bindings in this mode are 'C-c C-c', which
 compiles and displays the current buffer, and the key binding 'C-c ?',
 which shows the available function prototypes for the command at the
 cursor.  For full functionality you should also install the Apache
 Software Foundation package 'two-mode-mode':
 Once installed, you can use the hybrid mode 'lasy-mode' to edit a LaTeX
 file containing embedded 'Asymptote' code (SeeLaTeX usage).  This
 mode can be enabled within 'latex-mode' with the key sequence 'M-x
 lasy-mode <RET>'.  On 'UNIX' systems, additional keywords will be
 generated from all 'asy' files in the space-separated list of
 directories specified by the environment variable 'ASYMPTOTE_SITEDIR'.
 Further documentation of 'asy-mode' is available within 'emacs' by
 pressing the sequence keys 'C-h f asy-mode <RET>'.
    Fans of 'vim' can customize 'vim' for 'Asymptote' with
 'cp /usr/local/share/asymptote/asy.vim ~/.vim/syntax/asy.vim'
 and add the following to their '~/.vimrc' file:
 augroup filetypedetect
 au BufNewFile,BufRead *.asy     setf asy
 augroup END
 filetype plugin on
    If any of these directories or files don't exist, just create them.
 To set 'vim' up to run the current asymptote script using ':make' just
 add to '~/.vim/ftplugin/asy.vim':
 setlocal makeprg=asy\ %
 setlocal errorformat=%f:\ %l.%c:\ %m
    Syntax highlighting support for the KDE editor 'Kate' can be enabled
 by running '' in the '/usr/local/share/asymptote' directory
 and putting the generated 'asymptote.xml' file in