as: i386-Directives

 9.15.2 x86 specific Directives
      Reserve LENGTH (an absolute expression) bytes for a local common
      denoted by SYMBOL.  The section and value of SYMBOL are those of
      the new local common.  The addresses are allocated in the bss
      section, so that at run-time the bytes start off zeroed.  Since
      SYMBOL is not declared global, it is normally not visible to 'ld'.
      The optional third parameter, ALIGNMENT, specifies the desired
      alignment of the symbol in the bss section.
      This directive is only available for COFF based x86 targets.
 '.largecomm SYMBOL , LENGTH[, ALIGNMENT]'
      This directive behaves in the same way as the 'comm' directive
      except that the data is placed into the .LBSS section instead of
      the .BSS section SeeComm.
      The directive is intended to be used for data which requires a
      large amount of space, and it is only available for ELF based
      x86_64 targets.