as: Previous

 7.71 '.previous'
 This is one of the ELF section stack manipulation directives.  The
DONTPRINTYET  others are '.section' (SeeSection), '.subsection' (*noteDONTPRINTYET  others are '.section' (SeeSection), '.subsection' (See
 SubSection), '.pushsection' (SeePushSection), and '.popsection'
    This directive swaps the current section (and subsection) with most
 recently referenced section/subsection pair prior to this one.  Multiple
 '.previous' directives in a row will flip between two sections (and
 their subsections).  For example:
      .section A
       .subsection 1
        .word 0x1234
       .subsection 2
        .word 0x5678
       .word 0x9abc
    Will place 0x1234 and 0x9abc into subsection 1 and 0x5678 into
 subsection 2 of section A. Whilst:
      .section A
      .subsection 1
        # Now in section A subsection 1
        .word 0x1234
      .section B
      .subsection 0
        # Now in section B subsection 0
        .word 0x5678
      .subsection 1
        # Now in section B subsection 1
        .word 0x9abc
        # Now in section B subsection 0
        .word 0xdef0
    Will place 0x1234 into section A, 0x5678 and 0xdef0 into subsection 0
 of section B and 0x9abc into subsection 1 of section B.
    In terms of the section stack, this directive swaps the current
 section with the top section on the section stack.