xorriso: Drives

 5 Libburn drives
 Input drive, i.e.  source of an existing or empty ISO image, can be any
 random access readable libburn drive: optical media with readable data,
 blank optical media, regular files, block devices.
 Output drive, i.e.  target for writing, can be any libburn drive.  Some
 drive types do not support the method of growing but only the methods of
 modifying and blind growing.  They all are suitable for newly created
    All drive file objects have to offer rw-permission to the user of
 'xorriso'.  Even those which will not be useable for reading an ISO
 With any type of drive object, the data are considered to be organized
 in blocks of 2 KiB. Access happens in terms of Logical Block Address
 (*LBA*) which gives the number of a particular data block.
    MMC compliant (i.e.  optical) drives on GNU/Linux usually get
 addressed by the path of their block device or of their generic
 character device.  E.g.
 -dev /dev/sr0
 -dev /dev/hdc
 -dev /dev/sg2
 By default xorriso will try to map the given address to /dev/hd* and
 /dev/sr*.  The command -scsi_dev_family can redirect the mapping from sr
 to scd or sg.  The latter does not suffer from the concurrency problems
 which plague /dev/sr of Linux kernels since version 3.  But it does not
 yield the same addresses which are used by mount(8) or by open(2) for
 On FreeBSD the device files have names like
 -dev /dev/cd0
 On NetBSD:
 -dev /dev/rcd0d
 On OpenSolaris:
 -dev /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s2
 Get a list of accessible drives by command
 It might be necessary to do this as *superuser* in order to see all
 drives and to then allow rw-access for the intended users.  Consider to
 bundle the authorized users in a group like old "floppy".
    Filesystem objects of nearly any type can be addressed by prefix
 "stdio:" and their path in the filesystem.  E.g.:
 -dev stdio:/dev/sdc
 The default setting of -drive_class allows the user to address files
 outside the /dev tree without that prefix.  E.g.:
 -dev /tmp/pseudo_drive
 If path leads to a regular file or to a block device then the emulated
 drive is random access readable and can be used for the method of
 growing if it already contains a valid ISO 9660 image.  Any other file
 type is not readable via "stdio:" and can only be used as target for the
 method of modifying or blind growing.  Non-existing paths in existing
 directories are handled as empty regular files.
    A very special kind of pseudo drive are open file descriptors.  They
 are depicted by "stdio:/dev/fd/" and descriptor number (see man 2 open).
 Addresses "-" or "stdio:/dev/fd/1" depict standard output, which
 normally is the output channel for result texts.  To prevent a fatal
 intermingling of ISO image and text messages, all result texts get
 redirected to stderr if -*dev "-" or "stdio:/dev/fd/1" is among the
 start arguments of the program.
 Standard output is currently suitable for creating one session per
 program run without dialog.  Use in other situations is discouraged and
 several restrictions apply:
 It is not allowed to use standard output as pseudo drive if it was not
 among the start arguments.  Do not try to fool this ban via backdoor
 addresses to stdout.
 If stdout is used as drive, then -use_readline is permanently disabled.
 Use of backdoors can cause severe memory and/or tty corruption.
    Be aware that especially the superuser can write into any accessible
 file or device by using its path with the "stdio:" prefix.  By default
 any address in the /dev tree without prefix "stdio:" will work only if
 it leads to a MMC drive.
 One may use command *-ban_stdio_write* to surely prevent this risk and
 to restrict drive usage to MMC drives.
 One may prepend "mmc:" to a path to surely disallow any automatic
 "stdio:".  By command -drive_class one may ban certain paths or allow
 access without prefix "stdio:" to other paths.