woman: Finding

 3 Finding and Formatting Man Pages
 WoMan provides three user interfaces for finding and formatting man
    • a topic interface similar to that provided by the standard Emacs
      ‘man’ command;
    • a family of filename interfaces analogous to the standard Emacs
      ‘view-file’ command;
    • an automatic interface that detects the file type from its
      contents.  (This is currently neither well tested, well supported
      nor recommended!)
 The topic and filename interfaces support completion in the usual way.
 The topic interface is generally the most convenient for regular use,
 although it may require some special setup, especially if your machine
 does not already have a conventional ‘man’ installation (which WoMan
 tries to detect).
 The simplest filename interface command ‘woman-find-file’ can always be
 used with no setup at all (provided WoMan is installed and loaded or set
 up to autoload).
 The automatic interface always requires special setup.
 Case-Dependence of Filenames
 By default, WoMan ignores case in file pathnames only when it seems
 appropriate.  Microsoft Windows users who want complete case
 independence should set the special NTEmacs variable
 ‘w32-downcase-file-names’ to ‘t’ and use all lower case when setting
 WoMan file paths.
