wol: Description

 `wol' is a feature rich Wake On LAN utility. Beyond the basic Wake On
 LAN function it also provides the ability to send a SecureON password
 along with the Magic Packet. Another useful feature is the capability
 to read MAC addresses and the corresponding IP addresses/hostnames from
 a file or from standard input. You can optionally specify the
 corresponding UDP destination port and a SecureON password.
    There are also additional `AWK' scripts provided that parse ISC
 dhcpd's `dhcpd.conf' and bootpc's `bootptab' and outputs them in `wol's'
 native fileformat.  They are called `wol-dhcpdconf' and `wol-bootptab'.
 You can invoke them as following: `wol-dhcpdconf < /etc/dhcpd.conf |
 wol -' or `wol-bootptab < /etc/bootptab | wol -'.
    An example of usage is `wol MAC-ADDRESS' which assembles a Magic
 Packet which is intended to wake up the NIC with hardware address
 MAC-ADDRESS. See SeeExamples for additional examples.
    If you do not provide the argument in MAC-ADDRESS syntax `wol' tries
 to lookup the ethernet address in the `ethers' file. See your systems
 documentation for setting up your `ethers' file.