vcdimager: HQ Video CD 1

 1.3.5 HQ Video CD 1.0
 This is actually just a minor variation defined in IEC-62107 on the
 Super Video CD 1.0 format for _compatibility with current products in
 the market_.  It differs from the Super Video CD 1.0 format in the
 following items:
    * The system profile tag field in '/SVCD/INFO.SVD' is set to '1'
      instead of '0'.
    * The system identification field value in '/SVCD/INFO.SVD' is set to
      'HQ-VCD' instead of 'SUPERVCD'.
    * '/EXT/SCANDATA.DAT' is mandatory instead of being optional.
    * '/SVCD/SEARCH.DAT' is optional instead of being mandatory.