vcd-info: PVD

 3.1 Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) Section
 The first track of a Video CD is an ISO-9660 formatted track.  As such
 it contains information defined by the ISO 9660 specification.  The
 starting point for information from an ISO 9660 track is the PVD or
 Primary Volume Descriptor found at sector 16.  A PVD is sort of like a
 "superblock" for a filesystem.
    Here is part of sample output from the test PAL SVCD that can be
    found from:
       1. ISO9660 primary volume descriptor
       2.  ID: `CD001'
       3.  version: 1
       4.  system id: `CD-RTOS CD-BRIDGE'
       5.  volume id: `PAL_TEST_SVCD'
       6.  volumeset id: `'
       7.  publisher id: `Herbert Valerio Riedel'
       8.  preparer id: `GNU VCDIMAGER 0.7.10 LINUX-GNU/I386'
       9.  application id: `'
      10. ISO size: 1426 blocks (logical blocksize: 2048 bytes)
      11. XA marker present: yes