tramp: Frequently Asked Questions

 7 Frequently Asked Questions
    • Where is the latest TRAMP?
      TRAMP is available at the GNU URL:
      TRAMP’s GNU project page is located here:
    • Which systems does it work on?
      The package works successfully on Emacs 22, Emacs 23, Emacs 24,
      Emacs 25, XEmacs 21 (starting with 21.4), and SXEmacs 22.
      While Unix and Unix-like systems are the primary remote targets,
      TRAMP has equal success connecting to other platforms, such as MS
      Windows XP/Vista/7.
    • How to speed up TRAMP?
      TRAMP does many things in the background, some of which depends on
      network speeds, response speeds of remote hosts, and authentication
      delays.  During these operations, TRAMP’s responsiveness slows
      down.  Some suggestions within the scope of TRAMP’s settings
      Use an external method, such as ‘scp’, which are faster than
      internal methods.
      Keep the file ‘tramp-persistency-file-name’, which is where TRAMP
      caches remote information about hosts and files.  Caching is
      enabled by default.  Don’t disable it.
      Set ‘remote-file-name-inhibit-cache’ to ‘nil’ if remote files are
      not independently updated outside TRAMP’s control.  That cache
      cleanup will be necessary if the remote directories or files are
      updated independent of TRAMP.
      Set ‘tramp-completion-reread-directory-timeout’ to ‘nil’ to speed
      up completions, SeeFile name completion.
      Disable version control to avoid delays:
           (setq vc-ignore-dir-regexp
                 (format "\\(%s\\)\\|\\(%s\\)"
      Disable excessive traces.  Set ‘tramp-verbose’ to 3 or lower,
      default being 3.  Increase trace levels temporarily when hunting
      for bugs.
    • TRAMP does not connect to the remote host
      Three main reasons for why TRAMP does not connect to the remote
         − Unknown characters in the prompt
           TRAMP needs a clean recognizable prompt on the remote host for
           accurate parsing.  Shell prompts that contain escape sequences
           setup:: for customizing prompt detection using regular
           To check if the remote host’s prompt is being recognized, use
           this test: switch to TRAMP connection buffer ‘*tramp/foo*’,
           put the cursor at the top of the buffer, and then apply the
           following expression:
                M-: (re-search-forward (concat tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "$"))
           If the cursor has not moved to the prompt at the bottom of the
           buffer, then TRAMP has failed to recognize the prompt.
           When using zsh on remote hosts, disable zsh line editor
           because zsh uses left-hand side and right-hand side prompts in
           parallel.  Add the following line to ‘~/.zshrc’:
                [ $TERM = "dumb" ] && unsetopt zle && PS1='$ '
           When using fish shell on remote hosts, disable fancy
           formatting by adding the following to
                function fish_prompt
                  if test $TERM = "dumb"
                     echo "\$ "
           When using WinSSHD on remote hosts, TRAMP do not recognize the
           strange prompt settings.
         − Echoed characters after login
           TRAMP suppresses echos from remote hosts with the ‘stty -echo’
           command.  But sometimes it is too late to suppress welcome
           messages from the remote host containing harmful control
           characters.  Using ‘sshx’ or ‘scpx’ methods can avoid this
           problem because they allocate a pseudo tty.  SeeInline
         − TRAMP stops transferring strings longer than 500 characters
           Set ‘tramp-chunksize’ to 500 to get around this problem, which
           is related to faulty implementation of ‘process-send-string’
           on HP-UX, FreeBSD and Tru64 Unix systems.  Consult the
           documentation for ‘tramp-chunksize’ to see when this is
           Set ‘file-precious-flag’ to ‘t’ for files accessed by TRAMP so
           the file contents are checked using checksum by first saving
           to a temporary file.  See(elisp)Saving Buffers
                 (lambda ()
                   (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
                     (set (make-local-variable 'file-precious-flag) t))))
    • TRAMP does not recognize if a ‘ssh’ session hangs
      ‘ssh’ sessions on the local host hang when the network is down.
      TRAMP cannot safely detect such hangs.  The network configuration
      for ‘ssh’ can be configured to kill such hangs with the following
      command in the ‘~/.ssh/config’:
           Host *
                ServerAliveInterval 5
    • TRAMP does not use default ‘ssh’ ‘ControlPath’
      TRAMP overwrites ‘ControlPath’ settings when initiating ‘ssh’
      sessions.  TRAMP does this to fend off a stall if a master session
      opened outside the Emacs session is no longer open.  That is why
      TRAMP prompts for the password again even if there is an ‘ssh’
      already open.
      Some ‘ssh’ versions support a ‘ControlPersist’ option, which allows
      you to set the ‘ControlPath’ provided the variable
      ‘tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options’ is customized as follows:
           (setq tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options
                   "-o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-ControlPath-%%r@%%h:%%p "
                   "-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=yes"))
      Note how "%r", "%h" and "%p" must be encoded as "%%r", "%%h" and
      If the ‘~/.ssh/config’ is configured appropriately for the above
      behavior, then any changes to ‘ssh’ can be suppressed with this
      ‘nil’ setting:
           (setq tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options nil)
    • File name completion does not work with TRAMP
      ANSI escape sequences from the remote shell may cause errors in
      TRAMP’s parsing of remote buffers.
      To test if this is the case, open a remote shell and check if the
      output of ‘ls’ is in color.
      To disable ANSI escape sequences from the remote hosts, disable
      ‘--color=yes’ or ‘--color=auto’ in the remote host’s ‘.bashrc’ or
      ‘.profile’.  Turn this alias on and off to see if file name
      completion works.
    • File name completion does not work in directories with large number
      of files
      This may be related to globbing, which is the use of shell’s
      ability to expand wild card specifications, such as ‘*.c’.  For
      directories with large number of files, globbing might exceed the
      shell’s limit on length of command lines and hang.  TRAMP uses
      To test if globbing hangs, open a shell on the remote host and then
      run ‘ls -d * ..?* > /dev/null’.
      When testing, ensure the remote shell is the same shell (‘/bin/sh’,
      ‘ksh’ or ‘bash’), that TRAMP uses when connecting to that host.
    • How to get notified after TRAMP completes file transfers?
      Make Emacs beep after reading from or writing to the remote host
      with the following code in ‘~/.emacs’ file.
           (defadvice tramp-handle-write-region
             (after tramp-write-beep-advice activate)
             "Make tramp beep after writing a file."
           (defadvice tramp-handle-do-copy-or-rename-file
             (after tramp-copy-beep-advice activate)
             "Make tramp beep after copying a file."
           (defadvice tramp-handle-insert-file-contents
             (after tramp-insert-beep-advice activate)
             "Make tramp beep after inserting a file."
    • How to get a Visual Warning when working with ‘root’ privileges
      Get a modeline indication when working with ‘root’ privileges with
      the following code (tested with Emacs 22.1) in ‘~/.emacs’ file:
           (defun my-mode-line-function ()
             (when (string-match "^/su\\(do\\)?:" default-directory)
               (setq mode-line-format
                     (format-mode-line mode-line-format 'font-lock-warning-face))))
           (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'my-mode-line-function)
           (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'my-mode-line-function)
    • How to get host indication in the mode line?
      The following code (tested with Emacs 22.1) in ‘~/.emacs’ file
      shows it:
           (defconst my-mode-line-buffer-identification
                (let ((host-name
                       (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
                            (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory))
                  (if (string-match "^[^0-9][^.]*\\(\\..*\\)" host-name)
                      (substring host-name 0 (match-beginning 1))
              ": %12b"))
            (lambda ()
      The mode line in Emacs 23.1 and later versions now contains an
      indication if ‘default-directory’ for the current buffer is on a
      remote host.  Moreover, the corresponding tool-tip shows the remote
      host name.  The above ‘:eval’ clause can also be simplified to show
      the host name in the mode line:
                (let ((host-name
                       (or (file-remote-p default-directory 'host)
                  (if (string-match "^[^0-9][^.]*\\(\\..*\\)" host-name)
                      (substring host-name 0 (match-beginning 1))
    • Remote host does not understand default options for directory
      Emacs computes the ‘dired’ options based on the local host but if
      the remote host cannot understand the same ‘ls’ command, then set
      them with a hook as follows:
            (lambda ()
              (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
                (setq dired-actual-switches "-al"))))
    • Why is ‘~/.sh_history’ file on the remote host growing?
      Due to ‘ksh’ saving tilde expansions triggered by TRAMP, the
      history file is probably growing rapidly.  To fix, turn off saving
      history by putting this shell code in the ‘.kshrc’ file:
           if [ -f $HOME/.sh_history ] ; then
              /bin/rm $HOME/.sh_history
           if [ "${HISTFILE-unset}" != "unset" ] ; then
              unset HISTFILE
           if [ "${HISTSIZE-unset}" != "unset" ] ; then
              unset HISTSIZE
      For ‘ssh’-based method, add the following line to your
      ‘~/.ssh/environment’ file:
    • How to shorten long file names when typing in TRAMP?
      Adapt several of these approaches to reduce typing.  If the full
      name is ‘/’, then:
        1. Use default values for method name and user name:
           You can define default methods and user names for hosts,
           (SeeDefault Method, SeeDefault User):
                (setq tramp-default-method "ssh"
                      tramp-default-user "news")
           The reduced typing: ‘C-x C-f /’.
           *Note* that there are some useful shortcuts already.
           Accessing your local host as ‘root’ user, is possible just by
           ‘C-x C-f /su::’.
        2. Use configuration options of the access method:
           Programs used for access methods already offer powerful
           configurations (SeeCustomizing Completion).  For ‘ssh’,
           configure the file ‘~/.ssh/config’:
                Host xy
                     User news
           The reduced typing: ‘C-x C-f /ssh:xy:/opt/news/etc’.
           Depending on the number of files in the directories, host
           names completion can further reduce key strokes: ‘C-x C-f
           /ssh:x <TAB>’.
        3. Use environment variables to expand long strings
           For long file names, set up environment variables that are
           expanded in the minibuffer.  Environment variables are set
           either outside Emacs or inside Emacs with Lisp:
                (setenv "xy" "/")
           The reduced typing: ‘C-x C-f $xy <RET>’.
           environment variables are not expanded during editing in the
        4. Define own keys:
           Redefine another key sequence in Emacs for ‘C-x C-f’:
                 [(control x) (control y)]
                 (lambda ()
                     "Find Tramp file: "
           Simply typing ‘C-x C-y’ would prepare minibuffer editing of
           file name.
           See the Emacs Wiki
           ( for a more
           comprehensive example.
        5. Define own abbreviation (1):
           Abbreviation list expansion can be used to reduce typing long
           file names:
                 '("^/xy" . "/"))
           The reduced typing: ‘C-x C-f /xy <RET>’.
           environment variables are not expanded during editing in the
        6. Define own abbreviation (2):
           The ‘abbrev-mode’ gives additional flexibility for editing in
           the minibuffer:
                (define-abbrev-table 'my-tramp-abbrev-table
                  '(("xy" "/")))
                 (lambda ()
                   (abbrev-mode 1)
                   (setq local-abbrev-table my-tramp-abbrev-table)))
                (defadvice minibuffer-complete
                  (before my-minibuffer-complete activate)
                ;; If you use partial-completion-mode
                (defadvice PC-do-completion
                  (before my-PC-do-completion activate)
           The reduced typing: ‘C-x C-f xy <TAB>’.
           The minibuffer expands for further editing.
        7. Use bookmarks:
           Use bookmarks to save Tramp file names.  See
           Upon visiting a location with TRAMP, save it as a bookmark
           with ‘<menu-bar> <edit> <bookmarks> <set>’.
           To revisit that bookmark: ‘<menu-bar> <edit> <bookmarks>
        8. Use recent files:
           ‘recentf’ remembers visited places.  See(emacs)File
           Keep remote file names in the recent list without have to
           check for their accessibility through remote access:
                (recentf-mode 1)
           Reaching recently opened files: ‘<menu-bar> <file> <Open
        9. Use filecache:
           Since ‘filecache’ remembers visited places, add the remote
           directory to the cache:
                (eval-after-load "filecache"
           Then use directory completion in the minibuffer with ‘C-x C-f
        10. Use bbdb:
           ‘bbdb’ has a built-in feature for Ange-FTP files, which also
           works for TRAMP file names.  SeeStoring FTP sites in the
           BBDB (bbdb)bbdb-ftp.
           Load ‘bbdb’ in 1:
                (require 'bbdb)
           Create a BBDB entry with ‘M-x bbdb-create-ftp-site’.  Then
           specify a method and user name where needed.  Examples:
                M-x bbdb-create-ftp-site <RET>
                Ftp Site: <RET>
                Ftp Directory: /opt/news/etc/ <RET>
                Ftp Username: ssh:news <RET>
                Company: <RET>
                Additional Comments: <RET>
           In BBDB buffer, access an entry by pressing the key <F>.
      Thanks to TRAMP users for contributing to these recipes.
    • Why saved multi-hop file names do not work in a new Emacs session?
      When saving ad-hoc multi-hop TRAMP file names (SeeAd-hoc
      multi-hops) via bookmarks, recent files, filecache, bbdb, or
      another package, use the full ad-hoc file name including all hops,
      like ‘/ssh:bird@bastion|’.
      Alternatively, when saving abbreviated multi-hop file names
      ‘/’, the custom option
      ‘tramp-save-ad-hoc-proxies’ must be set non-‘nil’ value.
    • How to connect to a remote Emacs session using TRAMP?
      Configure Emacs Client (See(emacs)Emacs Server).
      Then on the remote host, start the Emacs Server:
           (require 'server)
           (setq server-host (system-name)
                 server-use-tcp t)
      If ‘(system-name)’ of the remote host cannot be resolved on the
      local host, use IP address instead.
      Copy from the remote host the resulting file
      ‘~/.emacs.d/server/server’ to the local host, to the same location.
      Then start Emacs Client from the command line:
           emacsclient /ssh:user@host:/file/to/edit
      ‘user’ and ‘host’ refer to the local host.
      To make Emacs Client an editor for other programs, use a wrapper
      script ‘’:
           emacsclient /ssh:$(whoami)@$(hostname --fqdn):$1
      Then change the environment variable ‘EDITOR’ to point to the
      wrapper script:
           export EDITOR=/path/to/
    • How to disable other packages from calling TRAMP?
      There are packages that call TRAMP without the user ever entering a
      remote file name.  Even without applying a remote file syntax, some
      packages enable TRAMP on their own.  How can users disable such
         − ‘ido.el’
           Disable TRAMP file name completion:
                 '(ido-enable-tramp-completion nil))
         − ‘rlogin.el’
           Disable remote directory tracking mode:
                (rlogin-directory-tracking-mode -1)
    • How to disable TRAMP?
         − To keep Ange-FTP as default the remote files access package,
           set this in ‘.emacs’:
                (setq tramp-default-method "ftp")
         − To disable both TRAMP (and Ange-FTP), set ‘tramp-mode’ to
           ‘nil’ in ‘.emacs’.
                (setq tramp-mode nil)
         − To unload TRAMP, type ‘M-x tramp-unload-tramp’.  Unloading
           TRAMP resets Ange-FTP plugins also.