todo-mode: Todo Filtered Items Mode Commands

 10.2 Todo Filtered Items Mode Commands
 The output of the item filtering commands looks similar to a regular
 Todo category, but it is not contained in any todo file and does not
 have a name on being created, so it is not a “real” category but a
 “virtual” category.  Another difference is the lack of a done items
 section; either there are no done items in the list (when the filtered
 items are diary or top priority items), or these are displayed in the
 same list as todo items (if you filtered by regular expression and
 allowed done items).  A further difference is that the items have an
 additional header, between the item’s date/time header and its text,
 specifying which category (and if you invoked a multifile command, also
 which file) the item comes from, and if you filtered by regular
 expression, also whether the item comes from a Todo archive.
    The sequential item navigation commands ‘n’ and ‘p’ work the same in
 Todo Filtered Items mode as in Todo mode, as do the file and category
 jumping commands ‘t’ and ‘j’; however, the sequential category
 navigation commands are unavailable, since virtual categories of
 filtered items are not ordered with respect to “real” categories.  In
 addition, Todo Filtered Items mode provides a special navigation
      If you type this command (‘todo-go-to-source-item’) with point on a
      filtered item, the buffer switches to the item’s source file (in
      Todo mode or Todo Archive mode, as the case may be) and displays
      its category, with point on the item.
    Filtered items cannot be textually edited, moved to another category,
 marked done or archived like items in a real todo category, since these
 would then be out of synch with each other.  But there is one type of
 editing command that does work in Todo Filtered Items mode: changing an
 item’s priority:
      These commands raise, lower, or set, respectively, the current
      item’s priority in the virtual category.
 Using these commands, you can create a cross-category (and even
 cross-file) prioritized list of filtered items.  However, there is a
 restriction on these commands in Todo Filtered Items mode: you cannot
 change the relative priorities of items from the same real category,
 since that would make the filtered list inconsistent with the source
 todo list.