ssip: Parameter Setting Commands

 4.5 Parameter Setting
 The 'SET' command sets various control parameters of the synthesized
 speech or server configuration.  The parameter is always denoted by the
 second command argument.
    All the settings take effect on the connections specified in the
 first argument (SeeGeneral Rules) and until the parameter setting
 is changed by another invocation of the appropriate 'SET' command or
 until the connection is closed.
    The voice property and TTS-processing settings can sometimes be
 without any real effect if the end synthesizer doesn't provide the
 required functionality.  This is not considered an error in the
 implementation of SSIP.
      Set client's name.  Client name consists of the user name, client
      (application) identification, and the identification of the
      component of the client (application).  Each of the parts of the
      client name may contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes ('-')
      and underscores ('_').
      For example, for a client called 'lynx' that creates an SSIP
      connection for its command processing, the name could be set in the
      following way:
           SET CLIENT_NAME joe:lynx:cmd_processing
      The client name is used in the server configuration settings,
      client listings and message history handling.  All its three parts
      can be arbitrary, but it's important to define and follow rules for
      each application supporting Speech Synthesis Interface Protocol, so
      that a Speech Server user can configure all the aspects of the
      speech output easily.
      Usually, this command should be sent as the very first command when
      a new SSIP connection is established.  The command may be sent only
      once within a single connection.  Attempts to change the client's
      name once it's already set are answered with an error code.
      Only 'self' is allowed as the 'target' argument.
      If set to 'ON', Speech Dispatcher will write all its debugging
      information (including output modules) with maximal verbosity into
      a debug directory which is reported by the server to the client in
      reply to this command.  When subsequently set to 'OFF', Speech
      Dispatcher will stop writing out debugging information into this
      path and close all the appropriate logging files.
      The intended use for this functionality is on-line debugging from
      client application.  If the user wants to report a problem, the
      client application will ask him/her for a place to generate the
      logs, to repeat the situation that he/she considers to be a bug,
      and then perhaps it will automatically pack the logs and offer to
      send them to the developers of Speech Dispatcher or another
      appropriate place where the contained information can be processed.
      Warning: This option results in a lot of data being written into
      the output logs and so should not be left on for an unnecessarily
      long time.
           SET all DEBUG ON
           262 OK DEBUGGING SET
 'SET {all | self | ID } OUTPUT_MODULE MODULE'
      Set the output module to MODULE.  This overrides the selection
      based on language.  Only values returned by the 'LIST
      OUTPUT_MODULES' command are permitted.  See
           SET self OUTPUT_MODULE espeak
           216 OK OUTPUT MODULE SET
      Get the output module currently in use.  This takes no parameters
      and simply returns the current output module.
           251 OK GET RETURNED
      Set recommended language for this client according to
      LANGUAGE-CODE.  LANGUAGE-CODE is the code of the language according
      to RFC 1766.
      For example, to set the preferred language to Czech, you send the
      following command:
           SET SELF LANGUAGE cs
      Please note, that switching a language may require switching a
      voice, so this command may actually override a previous call to
      The default for the Speech Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is
      determined by the 'DefaultLanguage' setting in the 'speechd.conf'
      file.  The factory default is 'en' (English).
      Set the mode of the text received in the message body sent by the
      'SPEAK' command.  This can be either a plain text, if 'mode' is set
      to 'off' or a SSML marked text, if 'mode' is set to 'on'.
      There is no guarantee that the SSML markup will be respected, so
      the application shouldn't rely on them.  The external parameters
      can still be set by the parameter setting commands.  SSML is
      intended only for additional markup inside the message.  In SSML
      mode, each message must begin with '<speak>' and end with
      For example a simple 'hello world' looks like this:
           SET SELF SSML_MODE on
           Hello world!
 'SET { all | self | ID } PUNCTUATION { all | some | none }'
      Set punctuation mode to the given value.  'all' means speak all
      punctuation characters, 'none' means speak no punctuation
      characters, 'some' means speak only punctuation characters set in
      the synthesizer's configuration.  The default for the Speech
      Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is determined by the
      'DefaultPunctuationMode' setting in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The
      factory default is 'none'.
 'SET { all | self | ID } SPELLING { on | off }'
      Switch spelling on or off.  If spelling is set to on, all the
      incoming messages will be said letter-by-letter, instead of
      speaking them as whole words.  The default for the Speech
      Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is determined by the
      'DefaultSpelling' setting in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The factory
      default is 'off'.
 'SET { all | self | ID } CAP_LET_RECOGN { none | spell | icon }'
      Set capital letters recognition mode.  'none' switches this feature
      off.  'spell' causes capital letters to be spelled in the speech
      using the table set as 'CAP_LET_RECOGN_TABLE'.  With parameter
      'icon', each capital letter will be preceeded by a sound icon
      (either sound or textual) specified by the user in his
      configuration.  The default for the Speech Dispatcher
      implementation of SSIP is determined by the
      'DefaultCapLetRecognition' setting in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The
      factory default is 'none'.
 'SET { all | self | ID } VOICE NAME'
      Set the voice identified by NAME.  NAME must be one of the voice
      identifiers returned by the command 'LIST VOICES' (See
      Information Retrieval Commands).
      There is a standard set of voice identifiers defined in See
      Standard Voices.
      The default for the Speech Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is
      determined by the 'DefaultVoiceType' setting in the 'speechd.conf'
      file.  The factory default is 'MALE1'.
      This command is deprecated since Speech Dispatcher 0.8.3.  The
      VOICE_TYPE command replaces this command.
 'SET { all | self | ID } VOICE_TYPE NAME'
      Set the voice identified by NAME.  NAME must be one of the voice
      identifiers returned by the command 'LIST VOICES' (See
      Information Retrieval Commands).
      There is a standard set of voice identifiers defined in See
      Standard Voices.
      The default for the Speech Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is
      determined by the 'DefaultVoiceType' setting in the 'speechd.conf'
      file.  The factory default is 'MALE1'.
      Gets the current pre-defined voice.  A list of voice identifiers
      can be obtained by the command 'LIST VOICES' (SeeInformation
      Retrieval Commands).
           GET VOICE_TYPE
           251 OK GET RETURNED
 'SET { all | self | ID } SYNTHESIS_VOICE NAME'
      Set the voice identified by NAME.  NAME is a voice name recognized
      by the current synthesizer.  It must be one of the names returned
      by the command 'LIST SYNTHESIS_VOICES' run for the appropriate
      synthesizer.  (SeeInformation Retrieval Commands).
      Please note, that switching to a particular voice may require
      switching a language, so this command may actually override a
      previous call to 'SET LANGUAGE'.
 'SET { all | self | ID } RATE N'
      Set the rate of speech.  N is an integer value within the range
      from -100 to 100, lower values meaning slower speech and higher
      values meaning faster speech.  The default for the Speech
      Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is determined by the
      'DefaultRate' setting in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The factory
      default is 0.
      Get the current rate of speech value.
           GET RATE
           251 OK GET RETURNED
 'SET { all | self | ID } PITCH N'
      Set the pitch of speech.  N is an integer value within the range
      from -100 to 100, lower values meaning lower pitch and higher
      values meaning higher pitch.  The default for the Speech Dispatcher
      implementation of SSIP is determined by the 'DefaultPitch' setting
      in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The factory default is 0.
      Get the current pitch value.
           GET PITCH
           251 OK GET RETURNED
 'SET { all | self | ID } VOLUME N'
      Set the volume of speech.  N is an integer value within the range
      from -100 to 100.  lower values meaning lower volume and higher
      values meaning higher volume.  The default for the Speech
      Dispatcher implementation of SSIP is determined by the
      'DefaultVolume' setting in the 'speechd.conf' file.  The factory
      default is 100.
      Get the current volume value.
           GET VOLUME
           251 OK GET RETURNED
 'SET { all | self | ID } PAUSE_CONTEXT N'
      Set the number of (more or less) sentences that should be repeated
      after a previously paused text is resumed.  If there isn't enough
      text before the pause spot, the entire message is repeated.  N is a
      positive integer value specifying the number of sentences to
      repeat.  The default for the Speech Dispatcher implementation of
      SSIP is determined by the 'DefaultPauseContext' setting in the
      'speechd.conf' file.  The factory default is 0.
 'SET { all | self | ID } HISTORY { on | off }'
      Enable ('on') or disable ('off') storing of received messages into
      This command is intended for use by message history browsers and
      usually should not be used by other kinds of clients.