srecode: Developing Template Functions

 7 Developing Template Functions
 You can develop your own custom template insertion functions.  Doing so
 is relatively simple, and requires that you write an Emacs Lisp command.
    If the built in commands don’t provide enough options, you will need
 to write your own function in order to provide your dictionaries with
 the values needed for custom templates.
    In this way, you can build your own code generator for any language
 based on a set of predefined macros whos values you need to derive from
 Emacs Lisp code yourself.
    For example:
      (defun my-srecode-insert (template-name)
        "Insert the template TEMPLATE-NAME into the current buffer at point."
        ;; Read in a template name.
        (interactive (list (srecode-read-template-name "Template Name: ")))
        (if (not (srecode-table))
            (error "No template table found for mode %s" major-mode))
        (let ((temp (srecode-template-get-table (srecode-table) template-name))
             ;; Create a new dictionary
      	(newdict (srecode-create-dictionary)))
          (if (not temp)
              (error "No Template named %s" template-name))
          ;; Add some values into the dictionary!
          (srecode-dictionary-set-value newdict "FOO" (my-get-value-of-foo))
          ;; Optionally show a section
          (srecode-dictionary-show-section newdict "BLARG")
          ;; Add in several items over a loop
          (let ((my-stuff (get-my-stuff-list)))
             (while my-stuff
                (let ((subdict (srecode-dictionary-add-section-dictionary
                                   newdict "LOOP")))
                   (srecode-dictionary-set-value subdict "NAME" (nth 0 my-stuff))
                   (srecode-dictionary-set-value subdict "ARG" (nth 1 my-stuff))
                   (srecode-dictionary-set-value subdict "MOOSE" (nth 2 my-stuff))
                (setq my-stuff (cdr my-stuff)))
          ;; Some templates have arguments that need to be resolved.
          (srecode-resolve-arguments temp newdict)
          ;; Do the expansion
          (srecode-insert-fcn temp newdict)
    Lets look at the key functions involved above:
 7.1 Interactive Completion:
  -- Function: srecode-read-template-name prompt
      Completing read for Semantic Recoder template names.  PROMPT is
      used to query for the name of the template desired.
 7.2 Template Lookup
 Even if your program does not query the user for a template name, you
 will need to locate a template.  First, you need to locate the table to
 look the template up in.
  -- Function: srecode-table &optional mode
      Return the currently active Semantic Recoder table for this buffer.
      Optional argument MODE specifies the mode table to use.
  -- Function: srecode-template-get-table tab template-name &optional
           context application
      Find in the template in mode table TAB, the template with
      TEMPLATE-NAME.  Optional argument CONTEXT specifies a context a
      particular template would belong to.  Optional argument APPLICATION
      restricts searches to only template tables belonging to a specific
      application.  If APPLICATION is ‘nil’, then only tables that do not
      belong to an application will be searched.
    For purposes of an SRecode application, it is important to decide
 what to call your application, and use that with this method call.
 7.3 Creating dictionaries
 Several dictionary calls are made in this example, including:
    These are documented more fully SeeDictionaries.
    Also used is ‘srecode-resolve-arguments’.  To learn more about that,
 see SeeArgument Resolution.
 7.4 Template Insertion Commands
 There are several ways to insert a template.  It is easiest to just
 start with the main entry point.
  -- Function: srecode-insert-fcn template dictionary &optional stream
      Insert TEMPLATE using DICTIONARY into STREAM.  If STREAM is ‘nil’,
      then use the current buffer.