sieve: Examples

 4 Examples
 If you are not familiar with Sieve, this chapter contains a few simple
 code snippets that you can cut’n’paste and modify at will, until you
 feel more comfortable with the Sieve language to write the rules from
    The following complete Sieve script places all messages with a
 matching ‘Sender:’ header into the given mailbox.  Many mailing lists
 uses this format.  The first line makes sure your Sieve server
 understands the ‘fileinto’ command.
      require "fileinto";
      if address "sender" "" {
              fileinto "INBOX.w3-beta";
    A few mailing lists do not use the ‘Sender:’ header, but has a unique
 identifier in some other header.  The following is not a complete
 script, it assumes that ‘fileinto’ has already been required.
      if header :contains "Delivered-To" "" {
              fileinto "INBOX.auc-tex";
    At last, we have the hopeless mailing lists that does not have any
 unique identifier and you are forced to match on the ‘To:’ and ‘Cc’
 headers.  As before, this snippet assumes that ‘fileinto’ has been
      if address ["to", "cc"] "" {
              fileinto "INBOX.kerberos";