screen: Window Types

 6.6 Window Types
 Screen provides three different window types.  New windows are created
 with 'screen''s 'screen' command (SeeScreen Command).  The first
 parameter to the 'screen' command defines which type of window is
 created.  The different window types are all special cases of the normal
 type.  They have been added in order to allow 'screen' to be used
 efficiently as a console with 100 or more windows.
    * The normal window contains a shell (default, if no parameter is
      given) or any other system command that could be executed from a
      shell.  (e.g.  'slogin', etc...).
    * If a tty (character special device) name (e.g.  '/dev/ttya') is
      specified as the first parameter, then the window is directly
      connected to this device.  This window type is similar to 'screen
      cu -l /dev/ttya'.  Read and write access is required on the device
      node, an exclusive open is attempted on the node to mark the
      connection line as busy.  An optional parameter is allowed
      consisting of a comma separated list of flags in the notation used
      by 'stty(1)':
           Usually 300, 1200, 9600 or 19200.  This affects transmission
           as well as receive speed.
      'cs8 or cs7'
           Specify the transmission of eight (or seven) bits per byte.
      'ixon or -ixon'
           Enables (or disables) software flow-control (CTRL-S/CTRL-Q)
           for sending data.
      'ixoff or -ixoff'
           Enables (or disables) software flow-control for receiving
      'istrip or -istrip'
           Clear (or keep) the eight bit in each received byte.
      You may want to specify as many of these options as applicable.
      Unspecified options cause the terminal driver to make up the
      parameter values of the connection.  These values are
      system-dependent and may be in defaults or values saved from a
      previous connection.
      For tty windows, the 'info' command shows some of the modem control
      lines in the status line.  These may include 'RTS', 'CTS', 'DTR',
      'CD' and more.  This depends rather on on the available 'ioctl()''s
      and system header files than on the physical capabilities of the
      serial board.  The name of a logical low (inactive) signal is
      preceded by an exclamation mark ('!'), otherwise the signal is
      logical high (active).  Unsupported but shown signals are usually
      shown low.  When the 'CLOCAL' status bit is true, the whole set of
      modem signals is placed inside curly braces ('{' and '}').  When
      the 'CRTSCTS' or 'TIOCSOFTCAR' bit is true, the signals 'CTS' or
      'CD' are shown in parenthesis, respectively.
      For tty windows, the command 'break' causes the Data transmission
      line (TxD) to go low for a specified period of time.  This is
      expected to be interpreted as break signal on the other side.  No
      data is sent and no modem control line is changed when a 'break' is
    * If the first parameter is '//telnet', the second parameter is
      expected to be a host name, and an optional third parameter may
      specify a TCP port number (default decimal 23).  Screen will
      connect to a server listening on the remote host and use the telnet
      protocol to communicate with that server.
      For telnet windows, the command 'info' shows details about the
      connection in square brackets ('[' and ']') at the end of the
      status line.
           BINARY. The connection is in binary mode.
           ECHO. Local echo is disabled.
           SGA. The connection is in 'character mode' (default: 'line
           TTYPE. The terminal type has been requested by the remote
           host.  Screen sends the name 'screen' unless instructed
           otherwise (see also the command 'term').
           NAWS. The remote site is notified about window size changes.
           LFLOW. The remote host will send flow control information.
           (Ignored at the moment.)
      Additional flags for debugging are 'x', 't' and 'n' (XDISPLOC,
      TSPEED and NEWENV).
      For telnet windows, the command 'break' sends the telnet code 'IAC
      BREAK' (decimal 243) to the remote host.