reftex: Installation

 1.1 Installation
 RefTeX has been bundled and pre-installed with Emacs since version 20.2.
 It has also been bundled and pre-installed with XEmacs 19.16–20.x.
 XEmacs 21.x users want to install the corresponding plug-in package
 which is available from the XEmacs FTP site
 (  See the XEmacs 21.x
 documentation on package installation for details.
    Users of earlier Emacs distributions (including Emacs 19) or people
 craving for new features and bugs can get a copy of the RefTeX
 distribution from the maintainer’s web page.  SeeImprint, for more
 information.  The following instructions will guide you through the
 process of installing such a distribution.
 1.1.1 Building and Installing
 Note: Currently installation is supported for Emacs only.  XEmacs users
 might want to refer to the RefTeX package available through the package
 system of XEmacs.
 Installation with make
 In order to install RefTeX, unpack the distribution and edit the header
 of the Makefile.  Basically, you need to change the path specifications
 for Emacs Lisp files and info files.  Also, enter the name of your Emacs
 executable (usually either ‘emacs’ or ‘xemacs’).
    Then, type
      make install
    to compile and install the code and documentation.
    Per default RefTeX is installed in its own subdirectory which might
 not be on your load path.  In this case, add it to load path with a
 command like the following, replacing the sample directory with the one
 where RefTeX is installed in your case.
      (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/reftex")
    Put this command into your init file before other RefTeX-related
 Installation by Hand
 If you want to get your hands dirty, there is also the possibility to
 install by manually copying files.
   a. Copy the reftex*.el lisp files to a directory on your load path.
      Make sure that no old copy of RefTeX shadows these files.
   b. Byte compile the files.  The sequence of compiling should be:
      reftex-var.el, reftex.el, and then all the others.
   c. Copy the info file to the info directory.
 1.1.2 Loading RefTeX
 In order to make the most important functions for entering RefTeX mode
 available add the following line to your init file.
      (require 'reftex)
 1.1.3 Entering RefTeX Mode
 To turn RefTeX Mode on and off in a particular buffer, use ‘M-x
 reftex-mode <RET>’.  To turn on RefTeX Mode for all LaTeX files, add the
 following lines to your ‘.emacs’ file:
      (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
      (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)   ; with Emacs latex mode
    That’s all!
    To get started, read the documentation, in particular the summary.
 (SeeRefTeX in a Nutshell)
    In order to produce a printed version of the documentation, use ‘make
 pdf’ to produce a reftex.pdf file.  Analogously you can use the ‘dvi’,
 ‘ps’, or ‘html’ targets to create DVI, PostScript or HTML files.
 1.1.4 Environment
 RefTeX needs to access all files which are part of a multifile document,
 and the BibTeX database files requested by the ‘\bibliography’ command.
 To find these files, RefTeX will require a search path, i.e., a list of
 directories to check.  Normally this list is stored in the environment
 variables ‘TEXINPUTS’ and ‘BIBINPUTS’ which are also used by RefTeX.
 However, on some systems these variables do not contain the full search
 path.  If RefTeX does not work for you because it cannot find some
 files, SeeFinding Files.