reftex: Adding Magic Words

 3.4.4 Adding Magic Words
 Sometimes you don’t want to define a new label environment or macro, but
 just change the information associated with a label category.  Maybe you
 want to add some magic words, for another language.  Changing only the
 information associated with a label category is done by giving ‘nil’ for
 the environment name and then specify the items you want to define.
 Here is an example which adds German magic words to all predefined label
      (setq reftex-label-alist
        '((nil ?s nil nil nil ("Kapitel" "Kap." "Abschnitt" "Teil"))
          (nil ?e nil nil nil ("Gleichung" "Gl."))
          (nil ?t nil nil nil ("Tabelle"))
          (nil ?f nil nil nil ("Figur" "Abbildung" "Abb."))
          (nil ?n nil nil nil ("Anmerkung" "Anm."))
          (nil ?i nil nil nil ("Punkt"))))