preview-latex: Simple customization

 4 Simple customization
 Customization options can be found by typing 'M-x customize-group <RET>
 preview <RET>'.  Remember to set the option when you have changed it.
 The list of suggestions can be made very long (and is covered in detail
 in SeeFor advanced users), but some are:
    * Change the color of the preview background
      If you use a non-white background in Emacs, you might have color
      artifacts at the edges of your previews.  Playing around with the
      option 'preview-transparent-color' in the 'Preview Appearance'
      group might improve things.  With some settings, the cursor may
      cover the whole background of a preview, however.
      This option is specific to the display engine in use.
    * Showing '\label's
      When using preview-latex, the '\label's are hidden by the previews.
      It is possible to make them visible in the output by using the
      LaTeX package 'showkeys' alternatively 'showlabels'.  However, the
      boxes of these labels will be outside the region preview-latex
      considers as the preview image.  To enable a similar mechanism
      internal to preview-latex, enable the 'showlabels' option in the
      variable 'preview-default-option-list' in the 'Preview Latex'
      It must be noted, however, that a much better idea may be to use
      the RefTeX package for managing references.  SeeRefTeX in a
      Nutshell (reftex)RefTeX in a Nutshell.
    * Open previews automatically
      The current default is to open previews automatically when you
      enter them with cursor left/right motions.  Auto-opened previews
      will close again once the cursor leaves them again (this is also
      done when doing incremental search, or query-replace operations),
      unless you changed anything in it.  In that case, you will have to
      regenerate the preview (via e.g., 'C-c C-p C-p').  Other options
      for 'preview-auto-reveal' are available via 'customize'.
    * Automatically cache preambles
      Currently preview-latex asks you whether you want to cache the
      document preamble (everything before '\begin{document}') before it
      generates previews for a buffer the first time.  Caching the
      preamble will significantly speed up regeneration of previews.  The
      larger your preamble is, the more this will be apparent.  Once a
      preamble is cached, preview-latex will try to keep track of when it
      is changed, and dump a fresh format in that case.  If you
      experience problems with this, or if you want it to happen without
      asking you the first time, you can customize the variable
    * Attempt to keep counters accurate when editing
      Since preview-latex frequently runs only small regions through
      LaTeX, values like equation counters are not consistent from run to
      run.  If this bothers you, customize the variable
      'preview-preserve-counters' to 't' (this is consulted by
      'preview-required-option-list').  LaTeX will then output a load of
      counter information during compilation, and this information will
      be used on subsequent updates to keep counters set to useful
      values.  The additional information takes additional time to
      analyze, but this is relevant mostly only when you are regenerating
      all previews at once, and maybe you will be less tempted to do so
      when counters appear more or less correct.
    * Preview your favourite LaTeX constructs
      If you have a certain macro or environment that you want to
      preview, first check if it can be chosen by cutomizing
      'preview-default-options-list' in the 'Preview Latex' group.
      If it is not available there, you can add it to
      'preview-default-preamble' also in the 'Preview Latex' group, by
      adding a '\PreviewMacro' or '\PreviewEnvironment' entry (See
      Provided commands) _after_ the '\RequirePackage' line.  For
      example, if you want to preview the 'center' environment, press the
      <Show> button and the last <INS> button, then add
      in the space that just opened.  Note that since 'center' is a
      generic formatting construct of LaTeX, a general configuration like
      that is not quite prudent.  You better to do this on a per-document
      base so that it is easy to disable this behavior when you find this
      particular entry gives you trouble.
      One possibility is to save such settings in the corresponding
      file-local variable instead of your global configuration (See
      Local Variables in Files (emacs)File Variables.).  A perhaps more
      convenient place for such options would be in a configuration file
      in the same directory with your project (SeePackage options).
      The usual file for preview-latex preconfiguration is
      'prauctex.cfg'.  If you also want to keep the systemwide defaults,
      you should add a line
      to your own version of 'prauctex.cfg' (this is assuming that global
      files relating to the 'preview' package are installed in a
      subdirectory 'preview', the default behavior).
    * Don't preview inline math
      If you have performance problems because your document is full of
      inline math ('$...$'), or if your usage of '$' conflicts with
      preview-latex's, you can turn off inline math previews.  In the
      'Preview Latex' group, remove 'textmath' from
      'preview-default-option-list' by customizing this variable.