pgg: Initializing

 4.1 Initializing
 A scheme must be initialized before it is used.  It had better guarantee
 to keep only one instance of a scheme.
    The following code is snipped out of ‘pgg-gpg.el’.  Once an instance
 of ‘pgg-gpg’ scheme is initialized, it’s stored to the variable
 ‘pgg-scheme-gpg-instance’ and will be reused from now on.
      (defvar pgg-scheme-gpg-instance nil)
      (defun pgg-make-scheme-gpg ()
        (or pgg-scheme-gpg-instance
            (setq pgg-scheme-gpg-instance
                  (luna-make-entity 'pgg-scheme-gpg))))
    The name of the function must follow the
 regulation—‘pgg-make-scheme-’ follows the back end name.