org: hlines ‘:hlines’
 Tables are frequently represented with one or more horizontal lines, or
 hlines.  The ‘:hlines’ argument to a code block accepts the values ‘yes’
 or ‘no’, with a default value of ‘no’.
    • ‘no’ Strips horizontal lines from the input table.  In most
      languages this is the desired effect because an ‘hline’ symbol is
      interpreted as an unbound variable and raises an error.  Setting
      ‘:hlines no’ or relying on the default value yields the following
           #+NAME: many-cols
           | a | b | c |
           | d | e | f |
           | g | h | i |
           #+NAME: echo-table
           #+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=many-cols
             return tab
           #+RESULTS: echo-table
           | a | b | c |
           | d | e | f |
           | g | h | i |
    • ‘yes’ Leaves hlines in the table.  Setting ‘:hlines yes’ has this
           #+NAME: many-cols
           | a | b | c |
           | d | e | f |
           | g | h | i |
           #+NAME: echo-table
           #+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
             return tab
           #+RESULTS: echo-table
           | a | b | c |
           | d | e | f |
           | g | h | i |