org: Working with LaTeX math snippets Working with LaTeX math snippets
 LaTeX math snippets (SeeLaTeX fragments) can be embedded in the ODT
 document in one of the following ways:
   1. MathML
      This option is activated on a per-file basis with
           #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:t
      With this option, LaTeX fragments are first converted into MathML
      fragments using an external LaTeX-to-MathML converter program.  The
      resulting MathML fragments are then embedded as an OpenDocument
      Formula in the exported document.
      You can specify the LaTeX-to-MathML converter by customizing the
      variables ‘org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command’ and
      If you prefer to use ‘MathToWeb’(1) as your converter, you can
      configure the above variables as shown below.
           (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
                 "java -jar %j -unicode -force -df %o %I"
      You can use the following commands to quickly verify the
      reliability of the LaTeX-to-MathML converter.
      ‘M-x org-odt-export-as-odf RET’
           Convert a LaTeX math snippet to an OpenDocument formula
           (‘.odf’) file.
      ‘M-x org-odt-export-as-odf-and-open RET’
           Convert a LaTeX math snippet to an OpenDocument formula
           (‘.odf’) file and open the formula file with the
           system-registered application.
   2. PNG images
      This option is activated on a per-file basis with
           #+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng
           #+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick
      With this option, LaTeX fragments are processed into PNG images and
      the resulting images are embedded in the exported document.  This
      method requires that the ‘dvipng’ program or ‘imagemagick’ suite be
      available on your system.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) See MathToWeb