org: TTY keys

 15.9 Using Org on a tty
 Because Org contains a large number of commands, by default many of
 Org’s core commands are bound to keys that are generally not accessible
 on a tty, such as the cursor keys (<left>, <right>, <up>, <down>), <TAB>
 and <RET>, in particular when used together with modifiers like <Meta>
 and/or <Shift>.  To access these commands on a tty when special keys are
 unavailable, the following alternative bindings can be used.  The tty
 bindings below will likely be more cumbersome; you may find for some of
 the bindings below that a customized workaround suits you better.  For
 example, changing a timestamp is really only fun with ‘S-<cursor>’ keys,
 whereas on a tty you would rather use ‘C-c .’ to re-insert the
 Default     Alternative    Speed   Alternative
             1              key     2
 ‘S-<TAB>’   ‘C-u <TAB>’    ‘C’
 ‘M-<left>’  ‘C-c C-x l’    ‘l’     ‘<Esc>
 ‘M-S-<left>’‘C-c C-x L’    ‘L’
 ‘M-<right>’ ‘C-c C-x r’    ‘r’     ‘<Esc>
 ‘M-S-<right>’‘C-c C-x R’   ‘R’
 ‘M-<up>’    ‘C-c C-x u’    ‘ ’     ‘<Esc> <up>’
 ‘M-S-<up>’  ‘C-c C-x U’    ‘U’
 ‘M-<down>’  ‘C-c C-x d’    ‘ ’     ‘<Esc>
 ‘M-S-<down>’‘C-c C-x D’    ‘D’
 ‘S-<RET>’   ‘C-c C-x c’    ‘ ’
 ‘M-<RET>’   ‘C-c C-x m’    ‘ ’     ‘<Esc>
 ‘M-S-<RET>’ ‘C-c C-x M’    ‘ ’
 ‘S-<left>’  ‘C-c <left>’   ‘ ’
 ‘S-<right>’ ‘C-c           ‘ ’
 ‘S-<up>’    ‘C-c <up>’     ‘ ’
 ‘S-<down>’  ‘C-c <down>’   ‘ ’
 ‘C-S-<left>’‘C-c C-x       ‘ ’
 ‘C-S-<right>’‘C-c C-x      ‘ ’