org: Languages

 14.7 Languages
 Code blocks in the following languages are supported.
 Language             Identifier             Language         Identifier
 Asymptote            asymptote              Awk              awk
 Emacs Calc           calc                   C                C
 C++                  C++                    Clojure          clojure
 CSS                  css                    ditaa            ditaa
 Graphviz             dot                    Emacs Lisp       emacs-lisp
 gnuplot              gnuplot                Haskell          haskell
 Java                 java
 Javascript           js                     LaTeX            latex
 Ledger               ledger                 Lisp             lisp
 Lilypond             lilypond               MATLAB           matlab
 Mscgen               mscgen                 Objective Caml   ocaml
 Octave               octave                 Org mode         org
 Oz                   oz                     Perl             perl
 Plantuml             plantuml               Python           python
 R                    R                      Ruby             ruby
 Sass                 sass                   Scheme           scheme
 GNU Screen           screen                 shell            sh
 SQL                  sql                    SQLite           sqlite
    Language-specific documentation is available for some languages.  If
 available, it can be found at
    The option ‘org-babel-load-languages’ controls which languages are
 enabled for evaluation (by default only ‘emacs-lisp’ is enabled).  This
 variable can be set using the customization interface or by adding code
 like the following to your emacs configuration.
      The following disables ‘emacs-lisp’ evaluation and enables
      evaluation of ‘R’ code blocks.
       '((emacs-lisp . nil)
         (R . t)))
    It is also possible to enable support for a language by loading the
 related elisp file with ‘require’.
      The following adds support for evaluating ‘clojure’ code blocks.
      (require 'ob-clojure)