org: Images in HTML export

 12.6.7 Images in HTML export
 HTML export can inline images given as links in the Org file, and it can
 make an image the clickable part of a link.  By default(1), images are
 inlined if a link does not have a description.  So ‘[[file:myimg.jpg]]’
 will be inlined, while ‘[[file:myimg.jpg][the image]]’ will just produce
 a link ‘the image’ that points to the image.  If the description part
 itself is a ‘file:’ link or a ‘http:’ URL pointing to an image, this
 image will be inlined and activated so that clicking on the image will
 activate the link.  For example, to include a thumbnail that will link
 to a high resolution version of the image, you could use:
    If you need to add attributes to an inlined image, use a
 ‘#+ATTR_HTML’.  In the example below we specify the ‘alt’ and ‘title’
 attributes to support text viewers and accessibility, and align it to
 the right.
      #+CAPTION: A black cat stalking a spider
      #+ATTR_HTML: :alt cat/spider image :title Action! :align right
 You could use ‘http’ addresses just as well.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) But see the variable ‘org-html-inline-images’.