octave-mode: Running Octave from Within Emacs

 3 Running Octave from Within Emacs
 Octave mode provides commands for running an inferior Octave process in
 a special Emacs buffer.  Use
      M-x run-octave
 to directly start an inferior Octave process.
    This will start Octave in a special buffer the name of which is
 specified by the variable ‘inferior-octave-buffer’ and defaults to
 ‘*Inferior Octave*’.  From within this buffer, you can interact with the
 inferior Octave process “as usual”, i.e., by entering Octave commands at
 the prompt.  The buffer is in Inferior Octave mode, which is derived
 from the standard Comint mode, a major mode for interacting with an
 inferior interpreter.  See the documentation for ‘comint-mode’ for more
 details, and use ‘C-h b’ to find out about available special
    You can also communicate with an inferior Octave process from within
 files with Octave code (i.e., buffers in Octave mode), using the
 following commands.
 ‘C-c C-i l’
      Send the current line to the inferior Octave process
      (‘octave-send-line’).  With positive prefix argument N, send that
      many lines.  If ‘octave-send-line-auto-forward’ is non-‘nil’, go to
      the next unsent code line.
 ‘C-c C-i b’
      Send the current block to the inferior Octave process
 ‘C-c C-i f’
      Send the current function to the inferior Octave process
 ‘C-c C-i r’
      Send the region to the inferior Octave process
 ‘C-c C-i a’
      Send the entire buffer to the inferior Octave process
      (‘octave-send-buffer’).  If the buffer is associated with a file
      then sourcing the buffer by using ‘C-c C-l’ (‘octave-source-file’)
      should be preferred.
 ‘C-c C-i s’
      Make sure that ‘inferior-octave-buffer’ is displayed
 ‘C-c C-i q’
      Delete all windows that display the inferior Octave buffer
 ‘C-c C-i k’
      Kill the inferior Octave process and its buffer
 ‘C-c C-l’
      Parse and execute the current file in the inferior Octave buffer
      (‘octave-source-file’).  This is done using Octave’s ‘source’
      Find the definition of a function or variable.  Functions
      implemented in C++ can be found if variable
      ‘octave-source-directories’ is set correctly
 ‘C-h d’
      Display the documentation for function (‘octave-help’).  The buffer
      name can be changed by customizing ‘octave-help-buffer’.
 ‘C-h a’
      Search for a given string in all the first sentence of function
      help strings (‘octave-lookfor’).  With a ‘universal-argument’ the
      entire help string is searched.
    The effect of the commands which send code to the Octave process can
 be customized by the following variables.
      Non-‘nil’ means echo input sent to the inferior Octave process.
      Default is ‘t’.
      Non-‘nil’ means display the buffer running the Octave process after
      sending a command (but without selecting it).  Default is ‘t’.
    If you send code and there is no inferior Octave process yet, it will
 be started automatically.
    The startup of the inferior Octave process is highly customizable.
 The variable ‘inferior-octave-startup-args’ can be used for specifying
 command lines arguments to be passed to Octave on startup as a list of
 strings.  For example, to suppress the startup message and use
 “traditional” mode, set this to ‘("-q" "--traditional")’.  You can also
 specify a startup file of Octave commands to be loaded on startup; note
 that these commands will not produce any visible output in the process
 buffer.  Which file to use is controlled by the variable
 ‘inferior-octave-startup-file’.  The default is ‘~/.emacs-octave’ or if
 this file is not found ‘~/.emacs.d/init_octave.m’.
    By customizing ‘inferior-octave-prompt-read-only’ the prompt can be
 changed to be read only.  The default value is the same as
    And finally, ‘inferior-octave-mode-hook’ is run after starting the
 process and putting its buffer into Inferior Octave mode.  Hence, if you
 like the up and down arrow keys to behave in the interaction buffer as
 in the shell, and you want this buffer to use nice colors, add
      (add-hook 'inferior-octave-mode-hook
                (lambda ()
                  (define-key inferior-octave-mode-map [up]
                  (define-key inferior-octave-mode-map [down]
 to your ‘.emacs’ or ‘init.el’ file.  You could also swap the roles of
 ‘C-a’ (‘beginning-of-line’) and ‘C-c C-a’ (‘comint-bol’) using this
      *Note* that if you set your Octave prompts to something different-NEWLINE-      from the defaults, make sure that ‘inferior-octave-prompt’ matches
      them.  Otherwise, _nothing_ will work, because Emacs will not know
      when Octave is waiting for input, or done sending output.