octave: Using Sparse Matrices in Oct-Files

 A.1.6.3 Using Sparse Matrices in Oct-Files
 Most of the same operators and functions for sparse matrices that are
 available from the Octave interpeter are also available within
 oct-files.  The basic means of extracting a sparse matrix from an
 ‘octave_value’, and returning it as an ‘octave_value’, can be seen in
 the following example.
      octave_value_list retval;
      SparseMatrix sm = args(0).sparse_matrix_value ();
      SparseComplexMatrix scm = args(1).sparse_complex_matrix_value ();
      SparseBoolMatrix sbm = args(2).sparse_bool_matrix_value ();
      retval(2) = sbm;
      retval(1) = scm;
      retval(0) = sm;
    The conversion to an ‘octave_value’ is handled by the sparse
 ‘octave_value’ constructors, and so no special care is needed.