octave: Organization of Functions

 11.13 Organization of Functions Distributed with Octave
 Many of Octave’s standard functions are distributed as function files.
 They are loosely organized by topic, in subdirectories of
 ‘OCTAVE-HOME/lib/octave/VERSION/m’, to make it easier to find them.
    The following is a list of all the function file subdirectories, and
 the types of functions you will find there.
      Functions for playing and recording sounds.
      Out-of-date functions which will eventually be removed from Octave.
      Elementary functions, principally trigonometric.
      Class functions for the FTP object.
      Miscellaneous matrix manipulations, like ‘flipud’, ‘rot90’, and
      ‘triu’, as well as other basic functions, like ‘ismatrix’,
      ‘narginchk’, etc.
      Functions related to Delaunay triangulation.
      Functions for Octave’s built-in help system.
      Image processing tools.  These functions require the X Window
      Input-output functions.
      Functions for linear algebra.
      Functions that don’t really belong anywhere else.
      Functions related to minimization, optimization, and root finding.
      Functions to manage the directory path Octave uses to find
      Package manager for installing external packages of functions in
      Functions for displaying and printing two- and three-dimensional
      Functions for manipulating polynomials.
      Functions implementing user-defined preferences.
      Functions for creating and manipulating sets of unique values.
      Functions for signal processing applications.
      Functions for handling sparse matrices.
      Special functions such as ‘bessel’ or ‘factor’.
      Functions that create special matrix forms such as Hilbert or
      Vandermonde matrices.
      Octave’s system-wide startup file.
      Statistical functions.
      Miscellaneous string-handling functions.
      Functions for performing unit tests on other functions.
      Functions related to time and date processing.