octave: Operator Precedence

 8.8 Operator Precedence
 “Operator precedence” determines how operators are grouped, when
 different operators appear close by in one expression.  For example, ‘*’
 has higher precedence than ‘+’.  Thus, the expression ‘a + b * c’ means
 to multiply ‘b’ and ‘c’, and then add ‘a’ to the product (i.e., ‘a + (b
 * c)’).
    You can overrule the precedence of the operators by using
 parentheses.  You can think of the precedence rules as saying where the
 parentheses are assumed if you do not write parentheses yourself.  In
 fact, it is wise to use parentheses whenever you have an unusual
 combination of operators, because other people who read the program may
 not remember what the precedence is in this case.  You might forget as
 well, and then you too could make a mistake.  Explicit parentheses will
 help prevent any such mistake.
    When operators of equal precedence are used together, the leftmost
 operator groups first, except for the assignment operators, which group
 in the opposite order.  Thus, the expression ‘a - b + c’ groups as ‘(a -
 b) + c’, but the expression ‘a = b = c’ groups as ‘a = (b = c)’.
    The precedence of prefix unary operators is important when another
 operator follows the operand.  For example, ‘-x^2’ means ‘-(x^2)’,
 because ‘-’ has lower precedence than ‘^’.
    Here is a table of the operators in Octave, in order of decreasing
 precedence.  Unless noted, all operators group left to right.
 ‘function call and array indexing, cell array indexing, and structure element indexing’
      ‘()’ ‘{}’ ‘.’
 ‘postfix increment, and postfix decrement’
      ‘++’ ‘--’
      These operators group right to left.
 ‘transpose and exponentiation’
      ‘'’ ‘.'’  ‘^’ ‘**’ ‘.^’ ‘.**’
 ‘unary plus, unary minus, prefix increment, prefix decrement, and logical "not"’
      ‘+’ ‘-’ ‘++’ ‘--’ ‘~’ ‘!’
 ‘multiply and divide’
      ‘*’ ‘/’ ‘\’ ‘.\’ ‘.*’ ‘./’
 ‘add, subtract’
      ‘+’ ‘-’
      ‘<’ ‘<=’ ‘==’ ‘>=’ ‘>’ ‘!=’ ‘~=’
 ‘element-wise "and"’
 ‘element-wise "or"’
 ‘logical "and"’
 ‘logical "or"’
      ‘=’ ‘+=’ ‘-=’ ‘*=’ ‘/=’ ‘\=’ ‘^=’ ‘.*=’ ‘./=’ ‘.\=’ ‘.^=’ ‘|=’ ‘&=’
      These operators group right to left.