octave: Looping Over Structure Elements

 10.5.1 Looping Over Structure Elements
 A special form of the ‘for’ statement allows you to loop over all the
 elements of a structure:
      for [ VAL, KEY ] = EXPRESSION
 In this form of the ‘for’ statement, the value of EXPRESSION must be a
 structure.  If it is, KEY and VAL are set to the name of the element and
 the corresponding value in turn, until there are no more elements.  For
      x.a = 1
      x.b = [1, 2; 3, 4]
      x.c = "string"
      for [val, key] = x
           ⊣ key = a
           ⊣ val = 1
           ⊣ key = b
           ⊣ val =
           ⊣   1  2
           ⊣   3  4
           ⊣ key = c
           ⊣ val = string
    The elements are not accessed in any particular order.  If you need
 to cycle through the list in a particular way, you will have to use the
 function ‘fieldnames’ and sort the list yourself.