octave: Light Properties Light Properties
 The ‘light’ properties are:
 ‘__modified__’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘beingdeleted’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘busyaction’: "cancel" | {"queue"}
 ‘buttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘children’ (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. ‘[](0x1)’
      ‘children’ is unused.
 ‘clipping’: "off" | {"on"}
      If ‘clipping’ is "on", the light is clipped in its parent axes
 ‘color’: colorspec, def. ‘[1 1 1]’
      Color of the light source.  Seecolorspec Colors.
 ‘createfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Callback function executed immediately after light has been
      created.  Function is set by using default property on root object,
      e.g., ‘set (0, "defaultlightcreatefcn", 'disp ("light
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘deletefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Callback function executed immediately before light is deleted.
      For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
      SeeCallbacks section Callbacks.
 ‘handlevisibility’: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}
      If ‘handlevisibility’ is "off", the light’s handle is not visible
      in its parent’s "children" property.
 ‘hittest’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘interruptible’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘parent’: graphics handle
      Handle of the parent graphics object.
 ‘position’: def. ‘[1 0 1]’
      Position of the light source.
 ‘selected’: {"off"} | "on"
 ‘selectionhighlight’: "off" | {"on"}
 ‘style’: {"infinite"} | "local"
      This string defines whether the light emanates from a light source
      at infinite distance ("infinite") or from a local point source
 ‘tag’: string, def. ""
      A user-defined string to label the graphics object.
 ‘type’ (read-only): string
      Class name of the graphics object.  ‘type’ is always "light"
 ‘uicontextmenu’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently
      associated to this light object.
 ‘userdata’: Any Octave data, def. ‘[](0x0)’
      User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.
 ‘visible’: "off" | {"on"}
      If ‘visible’ is "off", the light is not rendered on screen.