octave: Introduction to Plotting

 15.1 Introduction to Plotting
 Earlier versions of Octave provided plotting through the use of gnuplot.
 This capability is still available.  But, a newer plotting capability is
 provided by access to OpenGL.  Which plotting system is used is
 controlled by the ‘graphics_toolkit’ function.  SeeGraphics
    The function call ‘graphics_toolkit ("qt")’ selects the Qt/OpenGL
 system, ‘graphics_toolkit ("fltk")’ selects the FLTK/OpenGL system, and
 ‘graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot")’ selects the gnuplot system.  The three
 systems may be used selectively through the use of the
 ‘graphics_toolkit’ property of the graphics handle for each figure.
 This is explained in SeeGraphics Data Structures.  *Caution:* The
 OpenGL-based toolkits use single precision variables internally which
 limits the maximum value that can be displayed to approximately 10^{38}.
 If your data contains larger values you must use the gnuplot toolkit
 which supports values up to 10^{308}.