octave: Interacting with Plots

 15.2.10 Interacting with Plots
 The user can select points on a plot with the ‘ginput’ function or
 select the position at which to place text on the plot with the ‘gtext’
 function using the mouse.
  -- : [X, Y, BUTTONS] = ginput (N)
  -- : [X, Y, BUTTONS] = ginput ()
      Return the position and type of mouse button clicks and/or key
      strokes in the current figure window.
      If N is defined, then capture N events before returning.  When N is
      not defined ‘ginput’ will loop until the return key <RET> is
      The return values X, Y are the coordinates where the mouse was
      clicked in the units of the current axes.  The return value BUTTON
      is 1, 2, or 3 for the left, middle, or right button.  If a key is
      pressed the ASCII value is returned in BUTTON.
      Implementation Note: ‘ginput’ is intenteded for 2-D plots.  For 3-D
      plots see the CURRENTPOINT property of the current axes which can
      be transformed with knowledge of the current ‘view’ into data
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seegtext XREFgtext, *notewaitforbuttonpress:
DONTPRINTYET       See also: Seegtext XREFgtext, Seewaitforbuttonpress

  -- : waitforbuttonpress ()
  -- : B = waitforbuttonpress ()
      Wait for mouse click or key press over the current figure window.
      The return value of B is 0 if a mouse button was pressed or 1 if a
      key was pressed.
      See also: Seewaitfor XREFwaitfor, Seeginput XREFginput,
      Seekbhit XREFkbhit.
  -- : gtext (S)
  -- : gtext ({S1, S2, ...})
  -- : gtext ({S1; S2; ...})
  -- : gtext (..., PROP, VAL, ...)
  -- : H = gtext (...)
      Place text on the current figure using the mouse.
      The text is defined by the string S.  If S is a cell string
      organized as a row vector then each string of the cell array is
      written to a separate line.  If S is organized as a column vector
      then one string element of the cell array is placed for every mouse
      Optional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying
      text objects.
      The optional return value H is a graphics handle to the created
      text object(s).
      See also: Seeginput XREFginput, Seetext XREFtext.
    More sophisticated user interaction mechanisms can be obtained using
 the ui* family of functions, SeeUI Elements.